National Museum of African American History and Culture Collection of Charleston Slave Badges
The collection includes 146 rare badges dating as far back as 1804. These were used to ‘label’ enslaved people released out for labour in the region and as such form an important part of slave history. The website has images and essays providing contextual history.
Bibliothèque numérique caraibe amazonie plateau des guyanes is a digital library of sources covering Amazonia and the Caribbean maintained by the University of the West Indies and the university of Guyana. It has books, prints, maps and documents of the history and culture of the region including slavery. Some items are offered in French only.
Periodical poets
A project by Charline Jao with the support of the Cornell Summer Graduate Fellowship in Digital Humanities, sponsored by Cornell University Library & Society for the Humanities. It contains over 500 poems printed in New York-based, nineteenth-century periodicals run by Black editors. The poems are by both well known and anonymous authors and include discussion […]
Freedman’s Bureau Search Portal
Created by Smithsonian and The National Museum of African American History and Culture.The website states that ‘Congress created the Freedmen’s Bureau after the Civil War to assist in the political and social reconstruction of post-war Southern states and to help formerly enslaved African Americans transition from slavery to freedom and citizenship. From 1865 to 1872, the […]
Slavery: Primary Sources
Slavery, Abolition, Emancipation and Freedom Primary Sources from Houghton Library Houghton Library, Harvard University’s largest rare books and manuscripts repository, is home to hundreds of thousands of materials relating to African American history in North America. This wonderful website is being developed to provide free access to a range of digitised primary source items – manuscripts, photos, […]
Modern slavery
The commercial company Maplethrorpe have just released their 2017 modern slavery index. You can view a summary on their website. For the UK the latest statistics (including trafficking) are on the National Crime Agency website. Also available online, ILO estimates of global child labour and forced labour worldwide. The Walk free Foundation produce an annual […]
First Annual report from UK Anti-Slavery Commissioner
Download the full text from the UK government website The appendix provides modern slavery crime data for England and Wales. The rest of the 51-page report contains information on criminal procedure and policy. Find out how this compares with other countries by consulting the Global Slavery Index from the Walk Free Foundation. It estimates that […]
International Day to remember slavery
23rd August was the designated International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. An official website via UNESCO provides free access to a wealth of UN documents and projects relating to the trade itself, its nature, impact and history worldwide. For information on the UK The legacies of British slave ownership project […]
Global slavery index
According to the Walk Free Foundation there are 38.5 million slaves worldwide. including 8,300 in the UK. Read policy reports from the UK government Anti-Slavery International website contains news and links to online resources. Annual reports on human trafficking can be downloaded from the US State Department
Global Slavery Index
Global slavery index. Published this week by the Walk Free Foundation. A ranking of 162 countries around the world, based on a combined measure of three factors: estimated prevalence of modern slavery by population, a measure of child marriage, and a measure of human trafficking in and out of a country. On this theme see […]
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