Racism in British Universities
The UCU union has just released a survey of its BME members in which shockingly 90% of those who answered reported that they had faced barriers to promotion and over 70% reported sometimes or often being subject to bullying or harassment by their managers. The Runnymede trust has just published a collection of essays on […]
Is the Internet racist?
A trending project called worldwhite.net is seeking to expose and use crowdsourcing power to correct, examples of ‘inherent racism in Google image searches’. This follows earlier controversy regarding Google maps and a 2013 Harvard University study which concluded that if you searched for a name statistically more likely to belong to a black person you […]
45% of British adults display antisemitic attitudes
According to the Annual Antisemitism Barometer issued by Campaign against Antisemitism, ‘45% of British adults display antisemitic attitudes’. The report is based on surveys of attitudes towards Judaism and the effect of these on the Jewish community. The Institute for Jewish Policy Research raises some questions about the findings. Its website has publications on current conditions in the Jewish […]
Leicester Hate Crimes Project
Leicester Hate Crimes Project The broad aims of the Leicester Hate Crime Project were to examine people’s experiences of hate, prejudice and targeted hostility understand the physical and emotional harms suffered by individuals and their families identify ways of improving the quality of support available to victims Five strands of victim identity (race, religion, disability, […]
Twitter and racism
Is Twitter full of racist abuse? Read the new report from Demos on anti-social media: http://www.demos.co.uk/publications/antisocialmedia Over a 9 day period they examined 126,975 tweets. Find out from the results on how much was classified as containing hate speech by downloading the full 51 page report.
OHCHR anti-discrimination database launched
OHCHR anti-discrimination database launched. OHCHR United Nations Office of the High Commissioner Human Rights has launched a new database which provides free access to over 1500 full-text documents at national international and regional level which relate to combatting racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination. They include legal protocols.
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