Half-time in the Brexit negotiations: Scotland’s viewpoint
Half-Time in the Brexit Negotiations: The Voters’ Scorecard” is the result of a public opinion survey in Scotland. What do they think of the stage of negotiations and the future at this point? 2200 people took part in the survey, carried out just after the election in July, and in October when negotiations were underway. […]
The State of the State Report
The State of the State report from the think tank Reform, and Deloitte which analyses the state of and opinions about the UK public sector. It is based on interviews with public sector leaders, citizen research, a business survey and analysis of government data.
Congressional Record from 1911-1921
… now available on GPO’s govinfo. Great news for students of American political history, as part of an on-going digitization programme issues of the Congressional Record which cover the First World War are now freely accessible on govinfo. Find a link to govinfo and other sources on our US Government Information page. The Congressional Record is the […]
United Nations Day
UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. Read the full text of this historic document online. Also recently released: The GA Handbook: A practical guide to the United Nations General Assembly (Second edition 2017) which explains the procedures and working of the General Assembly Here are […]
Northern Ireland Archives
The Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA) is now freely available at the following address: http://niopa.qub.ac.uk/ It is possible to browse by department. Agency, document type or titles as well as to conduct keyword searches. Materials are availbale from approximately 2015 onwards The link is on our UK and Ireland Archives page http://www2.le.ac.uk/library/find/subjects/history/ukandireland For more information […]
Partisanship, Propaganda and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
The Latest report from the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University examines the role of traditional and new media during the 2016 presidential election campaigns. It examines who supported Trump and has mappings of Twitter news sources for both campaigns.
Pen America Archive
Free access to this archive of lectures, readings and discussions featuring the leading writers and Nobel prize winners in Economics, Science and Peace, social reformers, philosophers and political and artistic revolutionaries from the 1960s onwards. It includes video and audio content on the freedom of the press, censorship, literature and the State and feminism and […]
Historic US government publications now online
It is now possible to search issues of the US Congressional Record (which comprises the debates and proceedings of the United States Congress and the history of Bills and other legislation) from the 1940s (volume 87) onwards via the official gov.info website. This includes the Second World War, the Marshall plan and the Cold War. Also recently […]
What do people think about politics?
With the UK general election coming soon, try the latest annual audit of Democratic engagement from the Hansard Society. The report is based on an annual survey of the public conducted by Ipsos MORI between 2 December 2016 and 15 January 2017 with a representative quota sample of 1,771 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain. […]
Women in Congress, 1917-2017
Free access to this reference book from the Library of Congress. It includes essays and statistics designed for the general public which trace the history of women’s representation in the US parliamentary system.
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