E-G8 Forum
The first G8 conference on the impact of the Internet upon G8 nations was held in Paris on May 24-25th. This website has information on participants, agendas, some papers and videos of key speeches: http://www.eg8forum.com/en/ Many of the key themes covered are summarized in this 70-page report: Internet matters: The Net’s sweeping impact on growth, jobs and prosperity: […]
Blogging about the EU
http://euonym.wordpress.com/ This blog is maintained by Antonia Mochan Head of Media in the London office of the European Commission. It offers her personal opinion on the role of social media in promoting the EU in the UK. There are links to other major EU bloggers.
Liberation Technology
A research programme based at Stanford University which is exploring how information technology can be used to defend human rights, improve governance, empower the poor, promote economic development, and pursue a variety of other social goods. Access at: http://liberationtechnology.stanford.edu/ Currently, its Twitter channel http://twitter.com/Liberationtech has some excellent links to sites being used by protestors in […]
The Lede is a blog that mixes New York Times content with news stories and postings taken from blogs and citizen journalists. http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/ It has excellent coverage of world events, in particular accounts of protests incorporate comment from local bloggers,. This includes links to videos, maps. For example, see http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/12/tunisians-document-protests-online/ this coverage of the Tunisian […]
Truthy project
Aims to analyse and create visual representations of how information is diffused on Twitter. Particular focuses of information include the propagation of false information, political smears on Twitter and the creation of false news stories. At present there is a section on Sarah Palin which focuses on accounts falsely presented as belonging to the politician where […]
U.S Political Advertising
The Wesleyan Media Project 2010 political advertising <http://election-ad.research.wesleyan.edu/ This website is a collaboration between Drs Erika Franklin Fowler (Wesleyan University), Michael M. Franz (Bowdoin College) and Travis N. Ridout (Washington State University). It is tracking political advertising in the USA Midterm elections 2010 with the ultimate aim of tracing all forthcoming federal and presidential elections. The […]
The Russian Blogosphere
Public Discourse in the Russian Blogosphere: Mapping RuNet Politics and Mobilization http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/publications/2010/Public_Discourse_Russian_Blogosphere Berkman Center for Internet and Society. The Report from a project studying the role of Internet in Russian Society. Includes a mapping of the number and type of sites in the Blogosphere. It considers the relationship between the Internet and politics. Details about […]
Blogs and Bullets
http://www.usip.org/programs/initiatives/blogs-bullets This programme of the United States Institue of Peace is exploring how social media such as blogs and twitter can be used both to provoke and prevent conflict. The website provides free access to papers, video lectures and events from 2009 onwards covering these issues. These include materials relating to the Arab blogosphere.
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