ACLED Conflict Index 2024
ACLED Conflict Index 2024 Get reputable data from the team who measure and assess political violence worldwide using indicators based on deadliness, danger to civilians, geographic diffusion, and armed group fragmentation. It enables nation states to be ranked and compared according to levels of conflict. Regional and global assessments made.
Conflict Severity Index
ACLED is launching a new Conflict Severity Index. This tool will enable researches to compare the extent and severity of conflicts worldwide. Four indicators are used: deadliness, danger, diffusion, and fragmentation.The Conflict Severity Index has interactive visualization as well as a full report explaining its indicators, methodology, and findings.
Political violence, protest and COVID-19
ACLED (The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project) has now released all political violence and protest data for 2021. You can now access an annual update covering more than 266,000 events around the world. It includes extensive coverage of the impact of COVID on violent uprising and state repression across the world. Register for […]
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