Stopping hate crime online
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) published new public statements on how it will prosecute hate crime and support victims in England and Wales. This includes homophobic, biphobic and transphobic hate crime. To find out why it is necessary look at the details of the Fawcett Society Reclaim the Internet campaign which is seeking to eliminate online […]
LGBTI in developing countries
Surveys, big data, and experiments: how can we best learn about LGBTI development outcomes? Interesting new Research policy working paper from the World Bank which highlights the problems in collecting data about what works in development programmes for LGBT communities in developing countries. It provides some guidance on how development outcomes data could be collected
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum project
SOGICA is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) that explores the social and legal experiences of asylum seekers across Europe claiming international protection on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI). Focusing on Germany, Italy and the UK as case studies, and analysing how SOGI related claims are […]
LGBT and work
A report from the TUC – the cost of being out at work– reported nearly 39% LGBT responding to their survey had been victimised or discriminated against by colleagues.
Who are the top employers for LGBT staff?
Find out in the latest Stonewall Global Workplace Equality Index 2017. It considers areas including recruitment, promotion, retention, training and leadership. Full details on the methodology is provided.
Gay Pride
Celebrate gay pride – with the Gay t-shirt archive! Wearing gay history digitized t-shirt collections of numerous lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender archives across the United States. Only 4 in 10 people feel a suitably qualified transgender person should definitely be employed as a police officer or primary school teacher… according to the latest British […]
Freedom to Marry, Oral History Collection
Free access to this important collection from the University of California Berkeley The Bancroft Library’s Oral History Center. It comprises 23 oral history interviews with key figures organizing the right of same sex couples to marry in the USA. They include focus on changing attitudes, organization of campaigns and the role of LGBT activists in […]
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia was observed on May 17. The official website has highlights of the day and resources for activists The Transrights Europe Map and Index was released it examines national legal provision relating to gender identity recognition in 22 categories. These include mental health diagnosis and sterilisation. Other useful […]
Where do LGBT people live?
Data from the office of National Statistics which highlights sexual identity at a local authority level from 2013-2015. It also includes breakdown by age and gender. Details on methodology is provided.
Equality Challenge Unit reveals Female, LGB and Ethnic Minority STEMM academics face disadvantage.
The Athena Survey of Science, Engineering and Technology (ASSET) 2016 report assessed the current experiences, expectations and perceptions of gender equality in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) academia using criteria relating to perceptions of gender equality, recruitment, job and career, caring responsibilities, training and leadership. It found that female STEMM staff were more […]
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