Race hate crime increasing
The Community Security Trust is a charity that acts to support the Jewish community by campaigning against racism . It collects regular data on anti-semitism. In its latest report covering January-June 2016 it recorded a 11% increase from the same period in 2015 with 557 recorded, 24% of which occurred on social media. It traces […]
Major changes in European public opinion towards the EU since 1973
Great reference work just published by the European Parliament . The 68 page report uses data from the Eurobarometer reports which survey citizen viewpoints from the EU member nations. A timeline allows trends to be charted. These include responses in relation to the financial crisis. Topics covered include levels of trust in specific EU institutions […]
Media Pluralism Monitor 2015 launched
The Media Pluralism Monitor is conducted by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom. It aims to measure legal, economic and socio-cultural risks to media pluralism in EU nations. It is therefore a useful measure of the extent of media freedom. Topics covered include: media ownership, political independence of the media and social inclusiveness. […]
Brexit resources
Brexit and women: The Fawcett Society headed a coalition of organisations to launch the Face her future campaign to protect Uk women’s rights post Brexit . See the other signatories on the Fawcett press release Brexit and jobs: LSE are continuing to link to key online reports and papers covering brexit analysis from think tanks, […]
Is Britain Divided?
Yes, according to the latest issue of the Social Attitudes survey released this week. Britain divided? Public attitudes after seven years of austerity this focuses on how the public feel about social class, work and society. It considers whether financial cuts and austerity policies have effected attitudes as people believe Britain is more divided. Other […]
Britain’s relationship with the EU on film
British Pathe films on Britain’s relationship with the EU including negotiations to join the Common Market.
Did the polls get the referendum results right?
Here are some useful starting points for tracing the polls. Remember to check the methodology used. The What UK Thinks: EU Poll of Polls from the NatCen for Social Research is based on the average share of the vote for ‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’ in the six most recent polls of voting intentions in the EU […]
The EU referendum
An interesting article in the Conversation considers 40 years of polling history. Use the blog to follow the conversation on what exit will mean. For the latest news EU newspaper feeds from European Journalism Centre has updates from several hundred newspapers. Newsmuseum has todays front pages from around the world.
EU referendum – some predictions
Who will win – leave or remain? Get some predictions and look at the social monitoring from the SENSE-EU which has been developed by the SENSEI European Project. It is monitoring websites and social media using experimental analytic technologies for the automatic classification of agreement and disagreement and mood in social media. Partners include: University […]
Are children in the UK exposed to online pornography?
And if so, what impact does it have on their lives and relationships? The NSPCC and the Children’s Commissioner asked Middlesex University to conduct a study. The research consisted of an online survey of 1001 children and young people aged 11-16 across the UK, an online discussion forum and online focus groups. It includes qualitative […]
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