Conflict in the Philippines
The new Bangsamoro Conflict Monitoring System from Alert and the World Bank is collecting current and historic data on incidences of political violence in the region. It includes reports and charts of conflicts.
Global Governance Monitor Tool
Global Governance Monitor Tool from the Council on Foreign Relations. …aims to monitor how the international community is doing in dealing with security threats. It has a timeline of key events in preventing war from 1648 to the present day. Other features of the site include: a matrix of Core United Nations peacekeeping documents, lists of […]
Social, Political and Economic Event Database (SPEED) Project Data.
… comprises data on de-stabilising events such as coups, revolutions and political and economic upheaval. Analysis has been made from a global news archive. Materials generally date from 1945 onwards. Event file data and visual representations can be downloaded. For example the Google Earth File: 1979-2009 Sample Set contains data of three types of civil unrest events for […]
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