… comprises data on de-stabilising events such as coups, revolutions and political and economic upheaval. Analysis has been made from a global news archive. Materials generally date from 1945 onwards. Event file data and visual representations can be downloaded. For example the Google Earth File: 1979-2009 Sample Set contains data of three types of civil unrest events for five countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, the Philippines, and Sierra Leone) for the period between 1979-2008.
Other useful sources of armed conflict data include:
- FIRST: Facts on International Relations and Security Trends Excellent free database maintained by leading research bodies (including Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research). Get chronologies of conflicts and security related events, country data, statistics on conflicts, military expenditure and reports on human rights and human security worldwide.
- CSCW and Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, provide free access to some conflict data covering 1946 to the present day. It includes battlefield deaths, georeferenced conflict sites, data on civil war and intrastate conflict.
- For a longer scale picture the Correlates of War Project provides free access to data from the 19th century onwards. It includes intra- and extra-state conflict data, alliances and diplomatic exchanges.
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