How do this year’s A’ level results compare? For official statistics see the Department of Education official data.from 2003 onwards. It includes exam results and performance tables. For data on application and acceptance rates at UK universities try the UCAS data sites. It also includes some reports on factors associated with predicted and achieved […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Britain and the EU: two papers
Two key papers have been released by the UK government Future customs arrangements: a future partnership paper- HM Treasury, HM Revenue & Customs, and Department for Exiting the European Union Northern Ireland and Ireland – a position paper– Northern Ireland Office and Department for Exiting the European Union Middle Temple also has a great regularly […]
Modern slavery
The commercial company Maplethrorpe have just released their 2017 modern slavery index. You can view a summary on their website. For the UK the latest statistics (including trafficking) are on the National Crime Agency website. Also available online, ILO estimates of global child labour and forced labour worldwide. The Walk free Foundation produce an annual […]
A Cross-country Database of Fiscal Space
New for economic and economic historian researchers from the World Bank: a database of fiscal data which can be downloaded in Excel or Stat format. It is described in a working paper by Kose et al 2017 and examines government debt sustainability (or the ability to service a debt) in over 60 nations from 1990-2016. It […]
Pen America Archive
Free access to this archive of lectures, readings and discussions featuring the leading writers and Nobel prize winners in Economics, Science and Peace, social reformers, philosophers and political and artistic revolutionaries from the 1960s onwards. It includes video and audio content on the freedom of the press, censorship, literature and the State and feminism and […]
Historic US government publications now online
It is now possible to search issues of the US Congressional Record (which comprises the debates and proceedings of the United States Congress and the history of Bills and other legislation) from the 1940s (volume 87) onwards via the official website. This includes the Second World War, the Marshall plan and the Cold War. Also recently […]
Digital development
Digital Planet is an interdisciplinary research initiative of The Fletcher School’s Institute for Business in the Global Context. It has just released the Digital Evolution Index which evaluates of digital development in 60 countries according to 170 indicators across 4 key themes Supply Conditions, Demand Conditions, Institutional Environment, and Innovation and Change. Download the ranking, […]
Changing viewing habits – binge viewing
Are we a nation of binge viewers? Yes according to the latest annual Communication Markets report released by Ofcom this week. They quote statistics that 8 in 10 adults in the UK use catch-up technology to watch more than one episode of a programme. 70% find this relaxing but 32% say they slept less! The […]
Migration into Italy and Greece
EVI-MED – Constructing an evidence base of contemporary Mediterranean migrations EVI-MED is a Middlesex University project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). It is providing evidence on the nature and impact of migration into Europe focusing mainly on Italy and Greece. Its website will hold search and rescue data, insight from interviews […]
LGBTI in developing countries
Surveys, big data, and experiments: how can we best learn about LGBTI development outcomes? Interesting new Research policy working paper from the World Bank which highlights the problems in collecting data about what works in development programmes for LGBT communities in developing countries. It provides some guidance on how development outcomes data could be collected
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