This week the LSE Truth, Trust and Technology Commission launched its report. They argued that big tech companies should fund an independent platform agency to police fake news. Find out more by downloading the report and getting the facts on the composition of the commission from the official website.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
UN envoy says austerity has inflicted misery on UK citizens
Last week comments from Sir Philip Alston UN Envoy on Poverty about inequality in the UK were widely reported. The Guardian summarised the main points But what are the facts? Read the actual press release from United Nations Office for Human Rights Office for National Statistics reports on families below average income. General information on personal income, debt and household […]
Knife crime, what are the facts?
Recently the papers have published lots of stories on rising levels of knife crime. A House of Commons Briefing from the 9th November gives recent statistics comparing with the last few years and considering the methods of recording the data. It notes In 2017/18 there were 268 murders using a sharp instrument, including knives and broken bottles, accounting for 33% of all homicides – […]
Which degrees give the most financial rewards?
Interesting research from IFS looking at early career rewards from obtaining a degree. It focuses upon overall average impact of attending HE on earnings at age 29, taking into account previous characteristics pre-university. Interestingly women often earn more in the first few years than men but later in life they fall behind due to career breaks.
Observatory of killed journalists
New database from UNESCO. Shockingly the The Observatory records 1,293 killings since 1993, including more than 80 recorded in 2018. The online database allows journalists, researchers and members of the public to obtain information on killed journalists, with search options based on nationality, country of killing, name and sex.
Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre launched
A place for finding evidence on the economic value of the creative industries led by Nesta with a consortium of UK universities including LSE, Birmingham, Edinburgh and the Work Foundation. It aims to support the UK’s creative industries through the production of independent and authoritative evidence and policy advice. Its first report focuses on the importance of […]
US Government release full text First World War documents online
Now available: The United States Army in the World War, 1917-1919 Published in 1948, this 17 volume set contains key documents, maps, and records for the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) from the start of the American involvement in World War I through the to the armistice. See volume 10 for the peace agreements. Congressional record for 1917 has […]
A quarter of FTSE 350 companies have only one woman on their board
…according to the 2018 report of the Hampton-Alexander review into increasing the number of women in senior positions in FTSE 350 companies. Progress has been made but still a lot remains to be done to achieve the target. Also released this week Inclusive Tech report which revealed women make up just 12.6% of board members and 16.6% of senior […]
The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index 2018
Which countries do the most to help reduce poverty? The second annual index from Oxfam. The index is based on a new database of indicators, covering 157 countries, which measures government action on social spending, tax and labour rights – three areas found to be critical to reducing the gap. The full methodology and an […]
Freedom on the Net report 2018 launched
Freedom House has just launched its latest annual report on the state of democracy and freedom on the Internet. It also contains has rankings of nations according to measurements of their openness. Out of 65 countries assessed 25 recorded a loss of some freedom. China was the least free nation.
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