Recently the UK government revealed research on the most hacked passwords. You can download the top 100,000 from the National Cyber research centre. For information on how common identity and online fraud is see CIFAS research summaries. This also gives basic data on the most frequently targeted groups. How much do people know about cybersecurity? The same […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Women in the 2019 Indian elections – are they the silent majority?
According to the Times of India women are likely to be the silent ‘majority’ as female turnout is predicted to be higher than men’s. Carnegie Endowment also has an interesting blog post discussing this, as does Asia Dialogue. However according to the IPU there are far fewer women candidates (only 8.1% in 2014). See the situation and compare […]
Easter for social scientists
Just for fun here are some interesting research related facts on Easter chocolate! This infographic from Statista has some basic facts on who celebrates Easter and what they do. 84% gave Easter eggs as gifts in 2018 in another survey they found that 31% of those who responded bought specific brands but 30% were annoyed at how […]
Gender, race and money in politics database
The Center for Responsive Politics has just released a new database which enables researchers to explore the interaction between gender and race in US campaign funding. Typical questions it hopes to answer include: Do a candidate’s race and gender affect the challenges of fundraising? How do the sources and amounts of funding differ by gender and […]
Has the Gender pay gap worsened?
Though things are slowly improving at the University of Leicester, the media has reported that gap in wages between men and women is widening. An urgent question was asked in parliament last week about the deadline for companies to report on the topic. (it was 4th was in April 2019). The EHRC has data from the first […]
Facebook Ads Library
Who pays for adverts on Facebook? This free resource will have data for 7 years of all political and other advertising on Facebook and Instagram. Regular reports on trends will also be provided. It displays page creation dates, mergers with other pages, page name changes and where a page is managed from, and the option […]
World Autism awareness week
World Autism awareness week The United Nations has also designated 2nd April World Autism Day. Read the original resolution and get facts from the website. What is the cost of Autism? According to work at the LSE The cost of autism in the UK is £32 billion per year in treatment, lost earnings, care and support for children […]
2019 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference
2019 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference on Uniformed Capabilities, Performance and Protection. This took place on 29th March 2019 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The videoed speeches and resolutions from this conference are now available on a special website. They include a gender parity strategy for increasing the number of women […]
MediArXiv launched
A new scholar-led digital archive for media, film and communication studies—has just been launched by Jeff Pooley, Associate Professor of Media & Communication, Muhlenberg College (USA) . Papers are being gradually added. Certainly one to watch. Other good sources include: SSRN Papers Core Open access research papers
20 years of the National Minimum Wage
20 years of the National Minimum Wage – what has been the impact? On 1 April 1999 the National Minimum Wage (NMW) was introduced in the UK – a £3.60 wage for everyone aged 23 and over. According to a UK government report from the Low Pay Commission 30% of workers have benefited either directly or indirectly from the […]
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