Update from IFS on the impact of college graduation on earnings in the UK. They make the point that while on average they are better off over a life time they “estimate that one in five students – or about 70,000 every year – would actually have been better off financially had they not gone […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
14 consecutive years of deterioration in political rights and civil liberties worldwide
According to the latest annual summary of civil liberties and human rights worldwide, there have been 14 years of deterioration in political rights and civil liberties. 195 countries are assessed and ranked. Find out who scores best and worst and long-term trends from 1973 onwards. The site also includes essays and briefings on individual nations […]
Women and the Internet
Tim Berners–Lee open letter why the Internet is not working for women and girls. The Worldwide Web Foundation report with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, on levels of online harassment and abuse experienced by young women and their perceptions of it. Includes the shocking finding that 52% had experienced some level […]
International Women’s Day: some free statistics which show why it is necessary
Here are some free statistics which show why the fight for gender equality is necessary: The Office for National Statistics records the current gender pay gap as 17.3% in 2019. This is declining but still high. Global Gender Gap report 2020 is published annually by the World Economic Forum since 1996. It benchmarks over 140 countries […]
Quality of Government OECD data
QoG OECD Data is compiled by an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. It provides free access to this new dataset which covers hundreds of variables categorised into 18 key themes – ranging from accountability to eGovernment. It is derived from from over 80 data sources relating […]
Operational research resources for development
The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) has created a Wikipedia-type page of free resources for development workers and developing countries to read and implement high quality academic operational research theories and techniques. These comprise problem structuring methods and mathematical modelling to analyse complex situations. Resources currently offered are articles, software and courses.
Financial Secrecy Index launched
Which jurisdictions have the most secret offshore tax havens? Find out in the latest annual ranking from the Tax Justice Network which covers transparency and accountability. According to this the Cayman Islands is the worst offender. Consult the website to find more reports and data on this and related topics. There is also a useful […]
What is the value of fashion?
Vogue has a history of the origins of London Fashion Week What is the value of fashion ? In 2018 British Fashion Council released some data about London Fashion Week including that there were 20,000 cups of espresso served and 200kg of Lavazza coffee consumed! For data on its impact see the Blooming Flower conversation […]
Digital Incivility
The Microsoft Digital Civility Index (DCI) Microsoft has been measuring online behaviour and has found a worrying increase of bad behaviour and digital incivility over the last 4 years. Their Digital Civility webpage gives information about safer internet campaigns and you can scroll down to get global and country report cards. The data is based […]
Love Island, body image and mental health
Reality TV ? Does it harm mental health With the recent death of Love Island reality TV presenter Caroline Flack we have been reminded that a number of contestants on the show have tragically died in similar circumstances. What is the evidence about reality TV and its impact on mental health? The Mental Health Foundation has […]
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