Access the latest annual report This year’s annual report from UNESCO provides worldwide and country files on the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream educational settings. Previous annual themed reports can be accessed on the main website.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
High Streets Recovery Tracker
High Streets Recovery Tracker Launched by the Centre for Cities to provide economic data on the recovery from the lock-down of Britain’s largest cities and towns. It compares average footfall and enables cross-city comparisons. There are also worker number comparisons. The methodology is provided on the website.
Reuters Digital News Report 2020
What impact has COVID 19 had on news consumption? How popular are podcasts? And many more fascinating facts on the amount and type of news consumption worldwide. Get international and country-by-country reports in the latest annual report which also has associated data tables that can be downloaded. The full methodology can be consulted on the website.
Feminist Struggles in the Academy in the UK and India
A new comic book based on a wider research project funded by the University Grants Commission and the UK-India Educational Research Initiative and led by Radhika Govinda and Krishna Menon. It considers feminisms in the academy, focusing upon questions of identity, pedagogy and violence. A key issue is: How has feminism become institutionalised in the academy, […]
Discrimination against BAME H.E. staff
Shocking results from the Access & Participation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicities in UK Postgraduate Research – Policy Briefing UK CGE The proportion of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students enrolled in UK H.E. in 2018/19 dropped from 24.81% at undergraduate level to 18.07% at postgraduate research level (excluding enrolments where ethnicity is unknown). Between 2016/17 […]
State of Global Peace 2020
The Institute of Economics and Peace has just released its latest annual report ranking nations and regions in terms of peacefulness. Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008. Get the full date from the website and consult earlier reports.
OutRage! new Google Arts and Culture exhibition
OutRage! was a radical, non-violent, direct action LGBT human rights group that fought against homophobia in the State, the Church and society in general. It was founded in 1990 by activists including Peter Tatchell. This excellent visual record is based on the archives held by the LSE Archives . It covers key campaigns and offers insight […]
Talking About Race
New from Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture a site which is designed to provide free access to tools and resources to help teachers, parents/individuals talk about race and racial prejudice in society. These include videos and written resources. Topics covered include the historical origins of discrimination, whiteness and privilege, bias and how to […]
dataUNODC (Drugs and Crime statistics)
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) new data portal makes its reliable global data on drugs and crime easier to access and visualise. It includes sections on types of crime (firearms, homicide, violence, sexual crime) criminal justice systems, prisons and drug related seizures.
African Regional Integration Index
The second edition has recently been released in a collaboration between The African Union Commission, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the African Development Bank. ARII uses sixteen indicators, grouped into five dimensions, to measure how well each country and region in Africa is integrated with its neighbours. The indicators are grouped into 5 areas: Trade […]
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