The latest Joseph Rowntree Foundation annual monitoring report – 20% of working age adults without children are in poverty.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Kenya and culture
Kenya’s new constitution and cultural rights Based at the Open University, the Katiba project is exploring how new rights given by the 2010 constitution are effecting attitudes towards indigenous knowledge and cultural heritage.
Children and Social Media
How much time do British children spend using social media each day? Results from Ofcom which is based on 3-day digital diaries of 186 primary school children and 173 secondary. It also covers TV viewing, messaging and gaming habits.
Are bankers dishonest?
According to a study published in Nature, the banking culture encourages dishonesty. Research from YouGov has shown that since the recession public trust in banking has declined. In May 2014, the governor of the Bank of England called on the sector to adopt higher ethical standards. The Lambert Review is current working on the creation […]
Catalonia Referendum Results
The Catalan News Monitor is a useful English language site created by Plataforma pel Dret de Decidir, an umbrella organisation of more than 700 associations campaigning for the right to vote for independence. It has useful daily news summaries about Catalonia from local and international press and aggregates Twitter postings.
Women and pension schemes
The latest annual report from Scottish Widows shows that more British are women saving into pension schemes. However women typically still saved less than men. The site has all reports published since 2008 so longer term trends can be traced. Other recommended sources include: Office of National Statistics pension trends IFS pensions research NAPF workplace […]
Whitehall Monitor 2014
The Institute for Government has released this fascinating annual report on the size and structure of UK government. Explore data on the resources of individual government departments.
A data revolution for all?
The UN Secretary-General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development has just published a report called a World that Counts . This considers the nature and future implication of data inequality between ‘developed’ and ‘developing nations.’ For some great examples of open data initiatives try: UNdata EU Open data portal Open […]
Which countries are the most generous?
Find out from the latest World Giving Report published by the Charities Aid Foundation. It ranks nations according to 3 criterias: volunteering donating money and helping a stranger.
Is UK Higher Education Sustainable?
This question was considered by the Higher Education Commission who found the answer far from clear. Read their discussion of future options.
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