Get the latest data in the 2016 Global Wealth Report from the Credit Suisse Research Institute. It ranks nations by wealth and examines gaps in household wealth between rich and poor in individual nations. It identifies Russia as the world’s most unequal country, with 74.5% of the nation’s wealth controlled by 1% of the people. For […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Urban transformations
Get the latest news and research from this ESRC funded network coordinated by the University of Oxford. Key topics include demography, socio cultural change and governance. Also launched this month the Happy City index which has been created by a company in Bristol and seeks to measure and increase well being. See its 2016 ranking […]
Global university ranking of employability
Which university graduates are favoured by employers? See the 2016 ranking of 150 institutions from the Times Higher. It includes definitions of what employers want when they are recruiting in terms of knowledge and experience. Methodology is described on the website.
Is Britain a socially mobile nation?
Find out with the latest annual report form the Social Mobility Commission. It finds in terms of education, earnings and housing significant and often growing disadvantages between rich and poor. One of the key findings, on page 124, is that ‘While a private school student has a 1 in 20 chance of entering Oxbridge, a student […]
How many women have served in the US Congress?
Get the data from the latest Library of Congress CRS report Women in Congress, 1917-2016: Biographical and Committee Assignment Information and Listings by State and Congress. The 110 page document lists and provides biographic information on individuals as well as statistics on numbers, parties and roles. For more information on women and parliamentary representation worldwide […]
COP22 Climate Change conference
…was held in Marrakesh this week. At the conference The World Bank launched a new Climate Business Innovation Network while the World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) launched a report showing the link between natural disasters, climate change and global poverty. It argued that annually 26 million people are forced […]
Presidential transition resources.
The Newseum front page archives is creating a web archive of worldwide newspaper front page images for election day so you can browse images of the headlines from hundreds of national and local American newspapers plus a wide selection of the international press. Scroll down to the date to see the Trump entries for November […]
Equal Pay Day
This year equal pay day was 10th November This highlights the gender gap in wages as it is calculated by researchers to represent the last day in which women earn the same as men. From this date onwards women effectively stop earning while men carry on until the end of the year. See the Fawcett […]
Al Jazeera News game
Interesting example of a game produced by Al Jazeera English which aims to raise questions about investigative journalism and cybersecurity: HACKED: Syria’s Electronic Armies, is an interactive web app that aims to take audiences inside the cyber conflict in Syria. The project #HACKED is based on a film with the same name produced in 2015 by […]
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