Does racial discrimination occur in British Universities?
Two recent reports have raised disturbing questions Exploring ethnic inequalities in admission to Russell Group universities. Boliver, V. (2015) (available free via Durham University- forthcoming in the Journal Sociology) considers why ethnic minority students are less likely to be admitted to Russell Group universities than white students. Also this week HEFCE released a report which […]
Do private school students earn more?
The latest study from the Sutton Trust examined the salaries of private school educated graduates and compared them with those who attended state schools. A key finding was that three and a half years after graduation, private school graduates in top jobs earnt £4,500 more than their state school counterparts. The report considers whether this was […]
Money, Politics and Finance
New site with data on politics money and campaign finance worldwide. It is a collaboration between the Sunlight Foundation, Global Integrity and the Electoral Integrity Project. It includes case studies of political finance regulation. Also a new MPT dataset which ranks and documents the regulation and enforcement of political finance laws in 54 nations worldwide. […]
Which universities have the best academic reputation?
An interesting new white paper which reviews the results from Thomson Reuters Academic Reputation Surveys 2010-2014. The survey polls over 60,000 academic staff worldwide to get their opinion on university performance. The research paper examines 5 year trends to enable you to see which universities have the fastest growing reputation in specific subject areas. See […]
2015 top green companies
Find out which global businesses have made the top of the Newsweek ranking in terms of corporate sustainability and environmental impact. Methodology is provided on the website.
European Union Open Data Portal
The EU Open Data Portal provides access to a range of data from EU institutions including Eurostat, the Joint Research Centre and the European Environment Agency. You can retrieve and reuse data from the portal and examples of projects which have reused data are given in the website. The EU plans to launch the Pan-European data […]
The European Political Strategy Centre has launched ORBIS – the Open Repository Base on International Strategic Studies. It is an open-access repository for publications on foresight studies. It holds documents on topics as diverse as the future of the economy, education and space exploration. Researchers can create an account and submit foresight documents for publication.
EU budget
Open data about the EU budget can be found on the European Commission’s Budget web pages. Information on how to apply for EU funding is included on the site as is a breakdown of what each country contributes to and receives from the EU. The EU also publishes its financial reports online: the latest include […]
The statistical office of the European Union provides high quality statistics on the European economy, demographics, industry, trade, environment and technology. Recent additions to Eurostat include: infographics – for example Young Europeans, visualisations – for example on the quality of life moblie apps Details of all the above available at
Work and pay
Find out how pay compares in different sectors using this quiz from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. For contrast see the Low Pay 2014 report from the Resolution Foundation
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