Historic photographs: the changing workplace
As part of a new exhibition, the Bank of England Archive has released some of its historic photographs online. Some fascinating examples on the BBC website show the changing workplace. There is also a free Flickr site
In which British city do people earn the most?
Find out this and other fascinating facts and figures on the economic and social indicators of Britain’s major cities by consulting the latest Cities outlook 2016 which has just been published by the Centre for Cities. It also has a great associated data tool which enables you to generate and compare your own map. 17 […]
LGBT Equality in the Workplace
Find out the best place to work in the UK by consulting the latest annual Stonewall Equality Index. The methodology examines 10 key areas: distinct areas of employment policy and practice, including networking groups, career development, training and community engagement. Interestingly, M15 and the security services are this year ranked top! The Times Higher has […]
Civil Service Women Leaders Index
EY Senior Civil Service Women Leaders Index found that the UK ranked 4th in G20 countries amongst the representation of women in senior government official posts. The highest percentage is Canada at 46.1 the UK has 38.7%. However none had 50%. Download the full text of the report to find out more data on pay […]
Do extroverts earn more?
Interesting report released this week by the Sutton Trust which examines the link between personality, aspirations, career prospects and socioeconomic status. It finds that people with extrovert personalities are more likely to earn more. They are also less likely to come from poorer backgrounds. Read the full text and find out what methodology it used […]
What makes cities competitive?
Find out by downloading a recent working paper from the World Bank – Kilroy, A.F.L., Mukim, M., Negri, S. (2015) Competitive cities for jobs and growth : what, who, and how. The objective of this report is to create a knowledge base on what makes cities competitive, to improve the understanding of job creation at the […]
Fat Cat salaries: read and weep!
Fat Cat Tuesday On the 5th January 2016 top bosses salaries FTSE CEOS will already have exceeded the average annual pay of many workers (£27,645) according to the High Pay Centre Find out how wages compare using their pay calculator Price Waterhouse Cooper conducts regular surveys on the state of executive pay in the UK. […]
Data centres for researchers
The Economic and Social Research Council are funding three data centres – the Consumer Data Research Centre https://www.cdrc.ac.uk/ the Urban Big Data Centre at University of Glasgow Business and Local Government Data Research Centre at the University of Essex. Please feel free to explore them and use them in your research.
Open the Door: social science research for development and a sustainable future
New publication from the European Commission. Download the full text in PDF from the website. Provides descriptions and examples of key EU research programmes in these fields. Each entry include details of partners, description and outcome.
Who are the most powerful disabled people in the UK? Find out by consulting the new top 100 power list just compiled by the Shaw Trust. It has categories for the arts, business and media. Each entry has a brief biography
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