Gender pay gap: what is the reality?
The release of the BBC annual report which disclosed the salaries of the highest wage earners provoked a discussion about Gender pay disparity. and an open letter from female staff to the BBC. What is the gender pay gap for your job? Use the interactive tool offered by the Office for National Statistics to explore […]
LGBT and work
A report from the TUC – the cost of being out at work– reported nearly 39% LGBT responding to their survey had been victimised or discriminated against by colleagues.
Who are the top employers for LGBT staff?
Find out in the latest Stonewall Global Workplace Equality Index 2017. It considers areas including recruitment, promotion, retention, training and leadership. Full details on the methodology is provided.
Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index
New From Oxfam and Development Finance Index, a measure of how committed governments actually are to reducing inequality. The CRI covers 152 nations worldwide, measuring government action on social spending, tax and labour rights. The site provides free access to the full-text report and an interactive map of the measures.
ITUC Global Rights Index 2017
The latest annual report from the International Trade Union Federation ranks on the worse countries to work in in terms of trade union and labour protection. Topics covered include the right to strike, engage in collective bargaining and civil rights such as the right of free assembly. Also released recently by the ILO World Employment and […]
Is going to University worth it?
Released this week experimental statistics on employment and earnings of higher education graduates 5 years after graduation. The longitudinal education outcomes (LEO) data brings together information from the Department for Education with employment, benefits and earnings information from the Department for Work and Pensions and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. Data is presented for 23 subject […]
Crimes committed by American corporations
University of Virginia School of Law has launched the Corporate Prosecutions Registry. It offers free access to detailed information about every federal organizational prosecution since 2001, as well as deferred and non-prosecution agreements with organizations since 1990. It is possible to browse by type of crime – fraud, money laundering, anti-trust, workplace safety, bribery – […]
Attractiveness surveys (for Business)
Not Beauty! A series of reports on business attractiveness produced by EY – which countries attract foreign investment. The latest reports on Europe examine the impact of Brexit on the ranking of Britain. Methodology provided. They have also produced an index on investment for renewable energy which ranks nations for potential Foreign Direct Investment. Also similar […]
Socialist and Communist Pamphlets Digital Collection
The Socialist and Communist Pamphlets digital collection New in 2017 from the University of Houston, the collection includes 40 socialist, communist, and anarchist pamphlets from a larger collection of radical political pamphlets held by them. Covers 1872-1920s and includes the Russian revolution. See this great example celebrating the first year of the Russian revolution which has […]
Primero: New Humanitarian open source software
A potentially life–saving service which aims to provide free access to software and tracking devices for case workers protecting women and children in disaster or conflict zones. It is a great use of ICT in humanitarian aid. Primero is an open source product which enables case management, tracking and family tracing. See the free resources and […]
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