UN Day of South-South Cooperation
UN Day South South Cooperation is held on the 12th September. It is intended to mark the importance of networks of collaboration amongst nations in the Global south as a key to development. This report summarises the challenges and opportunities it offers: · Role of South-South cooperation and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: […]
Political behaviour and communication during the COVID-19 pandemic
PandemicPolitics A group of UK academic staff and researchers are blogging and writing on political behaviour, crisis management theory, international relations and political psychology to consider public attitudes to policy such as social distancing
Coronavirus: Feminist viewpoints
LSE Women Peace and Security blog posting Fawcett society and other women’s organisations call to make women visible at this time
Operational research resources for development
The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) has created a Wikipedia-type page of free resources for development workers and developing countries to read and implement high quality academic operational research theories and techniques. These comprise problem structuring methods and mathematical modelling to analyse complex situations. Resources currently offered are articles, software and courses.
Communication in Emergencies Research
A new site compiled by independent charity BBC Media Action. It gathers together BBC research and case studies (including clips and examples) which examine the role of the media in crisis communication. It gives examples of actual campaigns and guidelines on good practice. At present there are 6 specific case studies on the website: Syria, Gaza, Ebola, […]
International Energy Agency (IEA) databases
The UK Data Service provides access to the International Energy Agency (IEA) databases to UK Further and Higher Education institutions. They are funded by the ESRC, and pay for the IEA licence costs centrally, so there is no cost to institutions. These are high quality datasets, which would be expensive for individual institutions to purchase […]
Food security
Numbers starving worldwide rising Shocking news from the latest Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report released by the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization. It found those experiencing hunger had risen from around 804 million in 2016 to nearly 821 million in 2017. The report has graphs, data and facts about child malnutrition, food […]
Syrian Archives Chemical weapons database
The Syrian Archive aims to support human rights investigators, advocates, media reporters and journalists in their efforts to document human rights violations in Syria. Its website collects reports of attacks on journalists and human rights violations. It now has a database of chemical weapons attacks materials. Currently verified 861 videos from 193 sources covering some 212 […]
The Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
A new open-access journal produced by Leicester Learning Institute – The Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (JLTHE) – was launched this week. The first issue can be read here. JLTHE is published using the Leicester Open Journals service. The journal aims to “raise the profile of scholarship in educational practice, and to […]
Open access theses and dissertations
OpenDissertations.org, a project from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and BiblioLabs, has now been officially been launched. It lists more than 800,000 Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD). It includes any electronic theses listed in the British Library’s EThOS Service as well as material listed in American doctoral theses and masters theses. Search by author, keyword and date. There are […]
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