The Africa Desk A new portal designed for African studies scholars. Created by the Africa Desk is collaboration between the British Academy and the African Studies Association of the UK, with support from The Association of Commonwealth Universities and SCOLMA. It will provide free access to the latest edition of the ASAUK Directory of Africanists in Britain, […]
Gender equality data
World Bank: United Nations Commission for Europe statistics database: section on men and women in Europe Social Institutions and Gender Index measure of gender discrimination in 102 non-OECD nations. Covers civil liberties, family and ownership rights: Gender and Land rights database – free access to information from the FAO: IPU (Interparliamentary […]
Ready to research Great site created by the Open University, in partnership with the Universities of Nottingham and Leicester, and Manchester Information and Associated Service as part of the Support Centre for Open Resources in Education (SCORE) project. It aims to provide a portal to free OER resources for research students with an emphasis on students new to […]
Crowd Behaviour Network Recently launched international forum for academic research on crowd behaviour, management and safety. Currently includes news and recent UK government sponsored reports on understanding crowd behaviours.
Learn to Communicate with Crisis-Affected Communities Infoasaid Launches E-Learning Course on Humanitarian Communication a new, free online learning course. Communication is Aid, aims to raise awareness and build basic skills for communicating effectively with crisis-affected communities, before and after an emergency breaks. Topics covered include crafting messages. Useful example of how social media can be used for crisis communication.
The Peace Accords Matrix from the Kroc Institute of International peace studies. creates visualisation graphs relating to peace agreements that have been signed since 1989. It is possible to chart on over 50 themes, to compare and contrast and also to review the full text of the peace accord, a timeline of important dates and events […]
Crowdsourcing and the Crisis-Affected Community: Lessons Learned and Looking Forward From Mission 4636 This article reports on Mission 4636, a real-time humanitarian crowdsourcing initiative that processed 80,000 text messages (SMS) sent from within Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. It was the first time that crowdsourcing (microtasking) had been used for international relief efforts, and is the largest deployment of its kind to date. This article presents analysis […]
Observatoire de l’Afrique A network of European and African institutes and experts on peace and security issues in Africa. Partners include such high profile organisations as African Studies Centre University of Oxford, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center & The Nordic Africa Institute. The website provides free access to information from the network of members plus its […]
Social Science Bites
Podcasts of interviews with leading social scientists on different aspects of the social world. Published by Sage.
Measuring Peace in the Media 2011
The Institute for Economics & Peace produces a number of indexes which measure levels of peace and conflict worldwide. Its latest publication analyses global TV networks coverage of peace and conflict. The full 42 page text can be downloaded from the website: Its Global Peace Index ranks 153 nations according to 23 dimensions of […]
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