How well do we manage our financial lives?
Interesting findings on high levels of debt and vulnerability and lack of financial knowledge among the British adult population in the first Financial Lives Survey 2017 released by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It is compiled from consumer researcher on over 13,000 adults. According to the survey 69% of those aged over 75 displayed some […]
Ethnicity Facts and Figures website launched
This week a ground breaking site was launched by the UK government which provides facts and figures on race and ethnicity in the UK. It includes population data as well as examinations of differing life experiences and conditions. Topics covered include education, health, housing, culture and employment. The accompanying race audit shows alarming gaps in […]
Entrepreneurship at a Glance
The latest edition of this key report from the OECD is now available free to read online subscribers to the OECD library can download the full text. This year there are sections on the extent and nature of female entrepreneurship. This year there are also new sections on the ‘gig economy’. Other useful sources of […]
The Taiwan National Treasure digital library
A new project which aims to create an online archive of official US documents about Taiwan, The materials obtained from the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) will construct a history of Taiwan from a US perspective, they will include declassified CIA documents, economic surveys and diplomatic reports. Materials mainly in Chinese. The site […]
Events in Leicester this October 2017 for Black History Month
Phoenix Square marks Black History Month with a series of films programmed by local arts organisation Serendipity, in partnership with the University of Leicester, a one-off live-via-satellite Grace Jones event and two further documentaries with De Montfort University. Films include the Stuart Hall Project, a film about Frantz Fanon, Black women in the Civil Rights […]
BFI Filmography
A great new resource from the BFI which explores a wide range of topics relating to the history of UK feature film. Free access to great sources of data on box office takings, directors and actors. It includes substantial sections on gender and the film industry. On the latter topic NESTA has conducted some interesting […]
Public sector pay (UK)
In the news recently has been some debate about whether the pay cap on public sector pay should be lifted. Read the briefing paper published by IFS on recent pay restraint policy – has pay kept up with costs? The government has confirmed awards for police and prison officers. Recommendations from the NHS pay review […]
Northern Ireland Archives
The Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA) is now freely available at the following address: It is possible to browse by department. Agency, document type or titles as well as to conduct keyword searches. Materials are availbale from approximately 2015 onwards The link is on our UK and Ireland Archives page For more information […]
CNS North Korea Missile Test Database
Keep up to date with the latest tests of all missiles launched by North Korea capable of delivering a payload of at least 500 kilograms (1102.31 pounds) a distance of at least 300 kilometers from the Nuclear Threat Initiative. It records all flights from 1984 onwards. The site also links to related analysis on understanding […]
Business Multidimensional Poverty Index: Costa Rica
Costa Rica launched the Business Multidimensional Poverty Index developed by the Positive Horizon Association with the technical support of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). Business MPI (IPMe in Spanish) is an adaptation of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for the business sector, which measures the living conditions of employees and their families […]
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