gesisDataSearch: a Data Discovery Index for the Social Sciences
Now in beta, a new tool which will enable researchers to quickly identify high quality social and economic datasets. It is described more fully in this article but basically it aims to use Data Documentation Initiative metadata to harvest records from a number of separate high-quality sources including the German GESIS Data Archive (, and the US […]
Chinese Language day – April 20th
April 20th is designated by the United Nations as Chinese Language day it seeks to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity. Some great recommended resources are: Chinese Foreign Policy Database from the Wilson Center which provides a marvellous reference source for Chinese foreign policy from 1949 onwards. It includes a timeline and chronology of key events. Thematic […]
Statelessness Index
In March a new tool, the Statelessness Index, to compare national EU government policies towards stateless persons was launched by the European Network on Statelessness It makes it possible to compare nations according to themes such as stateless population data, detention and legal protection measures. There are also individual country surveys and rankings which include assessments […]
Asian Development Outlook 2018
The Asian Development Bank has just released its latest annual review which has a special focus on the impact of technology upon employment and jobs in the region. It also has projects for economic growth and household debt. There are predictions by sub-region
Combatting terrorism
What are countries doing to combat terrorism? Find out in the latest Counterterrorism Yearbook annual report now available free on the Internet from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. The Yearbook is arranged by policy and operations.
Women Peace and Security Index
Launched in 2017 by Georgetown University in conjunction with Peace Research Institute (PRIO)— this free tool ranks 153 countries on both peace and security—and women’s inclusion and justice. It aims to address previous omissions of gender in conflict measures. This blog posting now explains the purpose of the index and its difference from others available.
UNU Sustainable Development Explorer
The United Nations University has launched its Sustainable Development Explorer. This provides access to a growing collection of its research commentary and multimedia related to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. These include poverty, environment and peace.
Sexual harassment in the workplace
“Urgent action” is needed to better protect victims of sexual harassment in the workplace after shocking incidents were reported to the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Get the facts and recommendations in their new report.
Violence against women and girls
#HerStoryOurStory – a joint campaign which aims to raise awareness of the prevalence and impact of violence against women and girls, has been launched jointly by the UN and EU The campaign seeks to engage a broad international and local audience, using a web-based video game which challenges players to consider how they would react […]
Trade in services
OECD WTO Balanced Trade in Services (BaTIS) dataset is now available. This attempts to address lack of emphasis in other trade databases (which focus primarily on merchandise) on bilateral trade in services between nations. It currently contains data for 191 countries for the 11 main service categories in the Extended Balance of Payments Services (EBOPS) 2002 classification […]
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