Sexual harassment of women and girls in public places
According to the latest report from the Women and Equalities Committee sexual harassment of women and girls is routine and relentless. The report includes sections on the problem in universities as well as at night time. Other related materials include: London Mayor’s night safety charter for women UN Safer Cities programme which has a wider remit […]
Legislative Observatory on Freedom of Expression, Latin America launched
Legislative Observatory on Freedom of Expression Latin America launched A special project of the the Center for Studies on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information (CELE) Buenos Aires, Argentina, The observatory is a tool for journalists, academics, legislators, and activists to monitor legislative developments and track the impact of internet regulation debates on freedom of […]
EU Customs Union explained
The EU Customs Union created a free-trade area where goods circulate freely, without customs duties at the borders between EU countries. It also created a single territory for customs purposes. Find out about the 50th anniversary and read a basic history on this special EU page Full fact has a good summary TARIC, the integrated […]
Election Access Observation Toolkit
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), along with the Disabled Person’s Organization (DPO) has developed an Election Access Observation Toolkit. The 122 page book sets out barriers to access, international and regional legal provisions/ instruments and guidelines for organising election access observations.
Black History Month
BFI has released recently some documentaries free via BFI Player which reveal why it is necessary to fight for BME rights. This punk-infused 1978 documentary by the Newsreel Collective invited young working class Londoners to discuss their experiences of racism. First and second generation Black and Asian immigrants, as well as ex-National Front members, paint […]
Violence against women in elections
IFES release reports about violence against women in elections. Their website now includes a section which documents efforts to measure and combat this. It includes coverage of the IFES-led VAWE Online sentiment analysis tool which captures direct threats and abusive and violent comment surrounding women’s political participation. It analyses big data content from social media.
International Day of the Girl – 11th October
Girls ‘banned from using mobile phones’ in many nations Shocking findings from a global survey released on the International Day of the Girl. The survey by Girl Effect and the Vodafone Foundation surveyed the experiences of more than 3,000 adolescent girls and boys from 25 countries examining access and usage of mobile phones. In some […]
Mental health: International
Useful mental health resources include: World Health Organization Mental Health Atlas; the latest (2017) edition provides data on 177 WHO members covering mental health policy, planning and services. It contains economic expenditure on mental health, measure of public mental health promotion campaigns and take-up rates in individual nations. Time to Change has resources to combat stigma […]
Mental Health UK
10th October was World Mental Health Day and the first Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit has been held. Its website has reports and decisions. Why is it necessary to focus on mental health? The Education Policy Unit’s Access to childrens mental health services report for 2018 found that the number of referrals to mental health […]
Congressional Reports Service website launched
Recently launched, an official website which provides free access to non-confidential briefing papers and reports supplied to members of the US Congress. They are working to add back files. See the FAQS for details of inclusions and material that will be added. These are excellent for gaining an understanding of the US legislative process, they […]
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