The Story of the Gay Liberation Front in Britain: new digital resource
A new Google Arts and culture exhibition curated by staff at the LSE Library. It includes the original handwritten list of demands from 1970 plus great 1970s photos and images of documents. Topics covered include the membership and role of women in the GLF.
American Federation of Labor records now online
Available to researchers from the Library of Congress Website. This collection of original manuscripts covers the period 1883-1925 and includes the correspondence of such key figures as Samuel Gompers. It provides insight into the development of trade unions in the USA, relations with the government, industrial action and more. Special emphasis is given to railways […]
LGBT History Month
LGBT history month (February) is a good time to revisit these free British Library resources: LGBTQ histories on the British Library website explores the development of LGBTQ identities and communities in the UK. It has a timeline for students, academic articles, biographies of key individuals and digitised copies of key works. They include this account of […]
Who do you trust in business NGOs and the media?
The 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer measures levels of trust in business, NGOs and the media. It records declining levels of trust in the media and government who are perceived as both incompetent and unethical. The online survey was conducted in 28 markets.34,000+ respondents total. All fieldwork was conducted between October 19 and November 18, 2019. […]
Top 100 UK employers for LGBT staff
Top 100 employers for LGBT staff See the latest list from Stonewall. At the top is Newcastle city council. Find out what they do well. The list is an annual voluntary exercise. The methodology is available on the website.
Trump’s remarks and speeches has launched a special section on its website for fact checking transcripts of the presidents remarks and political speeches. They include state of the union speeches, remarks made on Iran 9th January 2020. There are full transcripts of the original speeches and alongside them the statements and statistics that have been checked with […]
Trump Impeachment Papers
The Digital Public Library of America has made on open access a collection of paper s relating to the impeachment of Donald Trump. They also include materials relating to alleged foreign interference in the 2016 presidential elections.
Official Gazette Issued by Palestinian National Authority
Made available by Birzeit university, this website includes the legislation published in the Palestinian Official Gazette since 1994 after the Palestinian National Authority assumed its responsibilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Browse by year and issue. Text in Arabic only.
Men continue to dominate positions of power in British Life
According to the latest Fawcett sex and power report. The situation is even worse for BAME women. Findings include: Women make up just over one in 20 CEOs of FTSE 100 companies. This remains unchanged since our last report in 2018. None of these CEOs are women of colour. Get the full facts by downloading […]
Sexual harassment and abuse in Colleges
Office for Students will intervene if colleges do not have robust procedures for dealing with allegations of sexual harassment and abuse. The latest guidelines have just been released by the Office for Students. Read the full text on their website
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