Ben and Jerry’s flavours visualisation
Ben and Jerry ice cream flavours A site from data visualization experts Hesham Eissa & Lindsey Poulter which examines the range and popularity of ice cream flavours offered worldwide from leading brand Ben and Jerry’s.Find out what the most popular flavour in a specific nation is. Full methodology provided!
Detroit Jewish Newspapers
William Davidson Digital Archive of Jewish Detroit History Free access to the full text of the Detroit Jewish News 1942 – 2018 and the Detroit Jewish Chronicle 1916 – 1951. It also includes biographies of leading community figures offering insight into Jewish life and culture in a major US urban area, as well as a document of key […]
International day of people with disabilities
3rd December is the International day of people with disabilities. The official UN page has reports, strategies and resolutions. According to WHO, over a billion worldwide live with some kind of disability. In 2011 they published with the World Bank the first ever World Disability report.There are more recent country surveys and data available from […]
Empowered Campus: Gender-based violence reports
Empowered Campus has released materials arguing that gender-based violence should be a priority in light of Covid-19 – predicting a rise in cases of sexual harassment and assault in and around halls of residence during lockdown. Their recently released 2018 survey of 8,106 students suggests that one in seven female students had reported experiencing a […]
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals, 2020
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals, 2020 is based upon The World Bank’s World Development Indicators database, as well as from a wide variety of other relevant data sources from scientists and other researchers worldwide. It comprises great data visualizations around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, highlights trends for selected targets within each goal and introduces concepts about how some […]
The Chinese Independent Film Archive (CIFA)
Arts & Humanities Research Council funded research project led by Dr Sabrina Qiong Yu (Newcastle University), with Co-Investigators Professor Chris Berry (King’s College London) and other collaborators. Covers production and circulation of (mainly documentary) film and issues relating to the role of the state with regard to film in China. The website is building a database of Chinese […]
Family Matters: How the 20th Century changed family life
A new online exhibiton from Europeana which includes materials from Europe’s national libraries and archives. It covers a series of topics including legal changes, changing attitudes towards marriage, kinship, changing gender roles and perceptions of childhood. The exhibition has text, images and audio-visual content.
Food and water
The Cost of a Plate of Food 2020 (WFP)A basic meal is far beyond the reach of millions of people in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic joins existing food shortages and hunger according to this report from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). The report highlights the countries where a simple meal such as […]
World Kindness day 13th November
To celebrate this, some special social sciences resources. The world giving index from CAF measures giving to charity and willingness to help a stranger amongst individuals. It is ranked by nation. In the last edition Myanmr was top of the league. The digital civility index measures online behaviours and respect. Which nations treat each other […]
Centre for Ageing Better, Community of Practice Resource LibraryA lottery funded evidence based research organisation. The website brings together a catalogue of reports, studies and infographics on areas of interest to community members and others interested in evidence around ageing better. Topics covered include government policy, home design as well as individual health, fitness and […]
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