Subject choice leads to gender pay gap?
Gender differences in subject choice leads to gender pay gap immediately after graduation. Data rich publication from IFS which explores differences in pay between male and female graduates and attempts to map them to the subjects studied at university.
Advertising labels of fruit and vegetables
From The Lug and Can Label Collection, which is part of the UC Davis library’s Archives and Special Collections. You can view more than 4,800 colourful 20th century labels from American fruit and vegetable cans and containers. Great for students of economic and advertising history.
Freedom of Internet report 2021
Latest annual report from Freedom House which ranks 70 nations according to levels of internet freedom. This includes coverage of freedom of expression, user privacy, regulation and control of big tech companies. Full methodology is provided on the website.
Which countries have the most innovative economies?
Find out in the latest Global Innovation Index Published by WIPO, in partnership with the Portulans Institute and the following corporate partners: The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI), Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Ecopetrol (Colombia) and the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM). It maps the state of innovation during a pandemic. Topics covered include R&D […]
Where do women earn equal pay?
Cross country comparison of gender pay gap reporting in six nations. From Kings College London Global Institute for Women’s Leadership. It argues that UK legislation monitors but does not rectify the situation. See the recommendations by downloading the full report.
BBC Rewind: Northern Ireland
A website from the BBC Rewind provides free access to BBC archive news programmes reflecting life and events in Northern Ireland from 1952 to December 1979. Most are news clips from BBC Northern Ireland news and current affairs programmes including Ulster Mirror. It includes coverage of the Troubles as well as quirky news stories.
INEW Explosive Weapons Monitor
International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW) recently launched a new civil society initiative – the Explosive Weapons Monitor This monthly newsletter for NGOs and researchers aims to publish data on incidents of explosive weapon use, civilian casualties and the impact on access to aid, education and healthcare. Past issues are available via the website enabling historical tracking.
Tool for humanitarian workers
Urban-Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (U-NEAT+)The United Nations launched a free online tool recently which is to help humanitarian aid workers rapidly identify and mitigate environmental risks when responding to crises. The free, cloud-based Urban-Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (U-NEAT+) offers an easy way to assess a range of potential environmental threats and sensitivities and suggests how to mitigate them. Risks […]
Pay and Progression of Women of Colour Literature Review
The Fawcett Society has recently launched a project to review employment and career progression of BAME women in the UK. As an important part of this it has published a literature review which summarises facts and statistics on the current state of affairs. All stages of employment are covered from transitions in to employment, university entry […]
History of the BBC
‘100 Voices that made the BBC’ series – ‘Entertaining the Nation’. Historical site from the BBC which is based on oral histories. It is curated by Dr. Jamie Medhurst, Aberystwyth University, with contributions by Dr. Siân Nicholas, Aberystwyth University, Dr. Anthony McNicholas, University of Westminster, and Professor Richard Haynes, University of Stirling, under the […]
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