Compare the NHS with other health services
Economist Intelligence Unit has just published a report which compares the NHS with healthcare services in 30 other OECD nations. Download the report (free registration required) to see how it ranks in terms of expenditure, access and population health outcomes. WHO Global Health expenditure database has worldwide statistics since 1995 by percentage of national GDP. […]
Bitcoin ‘offers opportunities to charities’
According to the latest report from the Charities Aid Foundation online currencies such as Bitcoin could enable charities to cut currency transfer costs and encourage transparency. However it does identify some risks associated with value fluctuations. Use its website to find other reports on charitable giving
Where is the best place to be a mother?
Find out by consulting the ranking in the latest annual report from Save the Children. It considers inequality between Mothers and infants in urban areas around the world. You have to register to download the report. WHO Global Health Observatory has data on worldwide maternal mortality 1990-2013
Globally women earn 24% less than men
Regional gender pay gaps vary from an average 33% in South Asia to 14% in the Middle East and North Africa. This is one of the key findings of the UN 2014/15 Progress of the World’s Women report. It emphasises the need to transform economies in order to improve women’s lives.
How do you access news?
39 out of 50 of the top US news sites now get more traffic from mobile devices than desktop computers. Explore this and other data on the media industry from the latest Pew annual report which also has a useful media indicators database.
The boomerang generation
Are you part of the ‘boomerang generation’? LSE has published research on the impact on family relationships of young adults returning to the parental home after graduating from university. But what are the facts about the nature and extent of this ‘boomerang’ trend? The Office for National Statistics recorded a 26% rise in the number […]
UK Election
Fantasy Front bench Who would be your fantasy front bench for the UK government? This fun tool has been created with the support of mySociety and Joseph Rowntree Trust using data from Public Whip and They Work For You. It encourages voters to deepen their knowledge of the work of politicians by providing them with […]
Radio and Health
Can radio help improve health in developing countries? A useful case study from BBC media action which examines a radio soap opera by public health officials to encourage good practices amongst mothers in Somalia. The case study includes details of some storylines and impact studies. Some other examples of radio shows and health promotion include: […]
1 million visits to UK Food Banks
Trussell Trust has just released the shocking figures that in the last year more than 1 million allocations of food were made by the charity. The report also provides details of reasons for usage and regional breakdowns.
World Development Indicators 2015
The latest annual report and data has just been released by the World Bank. This flagship report covers over 200 nations with over 800 indicators covering all aspects of economic, social and human development. Browse, download data and read the country profiles. Data divided into a number of key areas including economy, people, environment, states […]
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