Accountable Journalism site launched
New from the The Ethical Journalism Network and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, University of Missouri. This free database has the full text of ethics codes covering the media from nations worldwide. There is also an extensive bibliography of books on media codes and accountability.
Are women under-represented in the news?
Yes according to the latest Global Media Monitoring Project report which found that they represented only 25% of those heard, read about or seen in the news 2015, the same overall percentage as in 2010. The report gives findings on news coverage and women journalists presenting the news in a variety of media worldwide. For […]
More data portals
Open Data Inception has mapped over 1600 open data portals around the world. Hover over the maps to get statistics on different nations. Then zoom in on individual areas to get direct links to individual websites. Some are national, some regional or local government.
European Data Portal
Launched this month, a new resource developed by the European Commission offering free access to over 240,000 datasets from 28 European Nations. These are harvested from open government data from EU nations websites. It is possible to search or browse by category, records give source information, URLs and license terms. Datasets can often be exported […]
Working household poverty is worse
According to the latest annual poverty and social exclusion report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation which provides data and analysis for the last 5 years . The Trussell Trust has also recorded rising foodbank usage. Also this week analysis on lifetime wealth from IFS found that using data from the Wealth and Assets survey younger […]
Women will take 118 years to achieve equality
According to the World Economic Forum Global Gender report which ranks over 140 economies on health, economic, political and education factors. The site has 10 years worth of data so it enables tracking of progress over the last decade. Methodology is provided.
Facebook launches Notify News App
As a dedicated app for iOS, it’s designed to be a central hub for alerts from a variety of partners, including BuzzFeed, CNN, Washington Post, Vogue and the Weather Channel. (Time Inc, which owns Fortune, is also a partner in the new app.) See the Facebook blog for an introduction More information is at […]
Paris attacks
News reports Two useful sites which aggregate reports from other sources 24/7 News Now covers more than 40,000 sources. Country indicated by national flag next to the headline. EMM lists top stories has lists of sources in the left For a broader picture on trends see the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) University of Maryland containing […]
Cybersecurity and privacy of data
The Culture, Media and Sport Committee have launched an inquiry into cyber security following the recent cyber-attack of TalkTalk’s website. This will focus specifically on TalkTalk as well as more generally on privacy and regulation online. The website will have committee minutes and reports available to the public. Information Commissioners Office has issued a statement […]
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