Kleptocracy Archive
What is a kleptocracy? Kleptocracy is a system in which well-connected elite is able to use patronage or corruption to exploit the national resources for individual gain. This site has been launched by the Hudson Institute and Kleptocracy Intiative to provide insight into the business networks and influence of individuals many based in Russia and […]
EU referendum – some predictions
Who will win – leave or remain? Get some predictions and look at the social monitoring from the SENSE-EU which has been developed by the SENSEI European Project. It is monitoring websites and social media using experimental analytic technologies for the automatic classification of agreement and disagreement and mood in social media. Partners include: University […]
Does the UK have a digital skills crisis?
According to the latest report by the Science and Technology select committee the ‘evidence is clear that the UK faces a digital skills crisis’. ‘…up to 12.6 million of the adult UK population lack basic digital skills. An estimated 5.8 million people have never used the internet at all. This digital skills gap is costing […]
Are children in the UK exposed to online pornography?
And if so, what impact does it have on their lives and relationships? The NSPCC and the Children’s Commissioner asked Middlesex University to conduct a study. The research consisted of an online survey of 1001 children and young people aged 11-16 across the UK, an online discussion forum and online focus groups. It includes qualitative […]
Prolife Newsletters Digital Collection
Get an insight into the challenges faced by American women campaigners for the right to choose by consulting this new online collection from Georgia State University. It comprises a collection of documents and newsletters from anti-abortion and some anti-euthanasia groups in the USA. Most materials cover the period 1977-1993 and comprise state as well as national […]
What do students think of their courses?
Find out by downloading the 2016 Student academic experience survey from Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and the Higher Education Academy. It includes opinions of overall satisfaction, value for money and fees. Also offered are student perceptions of teaching skills, workloads and feedback and there is a section on student well being. Find more on […]
Digital archive of avant-garde and modernist magazines (1890-1945)
Monoskop maintains a digital archive of printed avant-garde and modernist magazines dating from the late-19th century to the late 1930s, published in Europe and North America. These include Bauhaus, surrealism and other political, literary and art movements. Links are provided on a wiki to locations on different websites. There is also a gallery of images and a […]
UK Political web observatory
UK Political Web Observatory has been created by Linkfluence and Westminster Advisers with Dr Nick Anstead. In early 2016 they examined 819 sites to create a spatialised visual interactive map of online networks viewpoint on Brexit enabling users to explore the interconnections and influence of specific groups. Detailed information on the methodology used is available […]
Country Reports on Terrorism 2015
Just released by the US state Department, these annual reports have regional and country reports as well as essays reviewing global trends, terrorism safe havens and terrorist organisations. The website has an archive of similar reports from 2000 onwards allowing tracing of long term trends. The Global Terrorism report from The Institute for Economics and […]
1866 suffrage petition 150th anniversary
It is 150 years since The Women’s Suffrage Committee, formed by Barbara Bodichon, collected 1,500 signatures on a petition for women’s suffrage in 1866 and it was presented to parliament by John Stuart Mill. Find out with an introduction from the Parliament website where there is an online exhibition with a list of names. The […]
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