“Convicts, Indigenous People and Labour”
A few weeks ago the Carceral Archipelago team of postgraduates presented at the University of Leicester’s annual postgraduate conference. The theme of the Carceral Archipelago panel was “Convicts, Indigenous People and Labour”. The project’s three postgraduate students – Kellie Moss, Katy Roscoe and Carrie Crockett – presented three papers that ranged from Western Australia to […]

First Carceral Archipelago Panel
A few weeks ago, it was wonderful to have our first Carceral Archipelago project panel. The three postgraduates working on the project – Carrie Crockett, Kellie Moss and Katy Roscoe – showcased their progress so far in three twenty minutes papers at the School of History’s postgraduate conference at the University of Leicester. We were […]
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