11 responses to “Welcome to Bayesian Analysis with Stata”

  1. Joseph Hilbe

    A copy of your new book, “Bayesian Analysis with Stata”, arrived earlier this morning, and I haven’t been able to put it down. Congratulations on a fine book. I recommend it to any Stata user having an interest in Bayesian modeling. Thanks for writing it.

    Joseph Hilbe

  2. Juan Pablo Botero

    Last week the book arrived to me (Colombia). I´m a new Stata user with interest in bayesian methods (I am in the early phases of reading, reading…). I only have read chapter one, really helpful.

    Best regars

  3. Olubusoye

    I just got a copy of your fantastic book, ‘Bayesian Analysis with Stata’ here in university of ibadan, Nigeria. I have been looking forward to it as a new convert to Bayesian approach. I thank you for the good work.

  4. Richard Palmer

    Your hungarian study data supplied does not bother to label the variables. What are the correct variable labels? Could you supply a corrected data set and put it on the stata books website? Please send me an email when you make the fix.

  5. Richard Palmer

    you provide code for chapter 8 from your book. What is the pre-existing directory structure required to run this code without modification? Same question for all your chapter code.

  6. Richard Palmer

    I had the executables.txt file setup as you describe before I emailed you earlier. Contents are
    WINBUGS,”C:\Program Files (x86)\WinBUGS14\WinBUGS14.exe”
    OPENBUGS,”C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBUGS\OpenBUGS322\OpenBUGS.exe”
    I am using openbugs. I have checked and openbugs is in the correct directory.

    To run the chapter8 code, I pwd’d the working directory to c:\bas . Running the code gets me without comment to the
    type temp\log.txt which is not found.

    The c.\bas directory contains all of your do files, the readme.txt, the executables.txt and subdirectories data and temp
    The data file contains your datafiles and a temp subdirectory. The bas file temp subdirectory contains a data, init, model, and script file.

    A log.txt file is nowhere to be found.

    I am trying to use your book and discussion to learn and use winbugs. I am not a student and I am not working with colleagues that are familiar with openbugs. I can specialize from a constrained piece of code that works. Again, can you describe a file location and directory structure that will run your openbugs code without change? I am not learing what I need from the models and statistics when I am spending time figuring out your bookkeeping. Thanks in advance.

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