Library Special Collections


Joe Orton exhibition runs until 31 August 2014

The beginning of 'Entertaining Mr Sloane' from a script for the 1964 production at the New Theatre, St Martin's Lane

Our current exhibition in the Library, ‘Joe Orton in 1964’, which runs until 31 August 2014, commemorates the 50th anniversary of Orton’s first major success, Entertaining Mr Sloane.  The Joe Orton Archive was purchased by the University in 1997 and can be viewed by appointment in the Special Collections reading room. When I was working […]

Our current exhibition ‘Joe Orton in 1964’

Cover of a scrapbook of programmes, articles and reviews of 'Entertaining Mr Sloane', collected and compiled by Joe Orton

When Joe Orton’s play Entertaining Mr Sloane was performed in the West End in 1964, it provoked both virulent criticism and glowing praise – he enjoyed both in equal measure.    The critic W.A. Darlington was particularly disgusted.  ‘Not for a long time have I disliked a play so much …’ he wrote.  ‘I feel as […]

Penny Bloods on display in the Library

‘Oh! To be sure, he came here and I shaved him and polished him off’ … said Sweeney Todd, as he diligently stropped a razor upon his great hoary hand.  From SCM 13472, 'The People’s Periodical and Family Library', (London, 1846-7).

Penny Bloods, popular from the 1840s to the 1860s, were so named because of their preoccupation with the gory and sensational. As the name suggests, these serialised novels, published either in periodicals or in weekly autonomous numbers, sold for only one penny – affordable by the growing ranks of the literate working-class. By contrast, novels […]

Joe Orton’s ‘Entertaining Mr Sloane’

Letter from Joe Orton to Michael Codron, 19 April 1964

Joe Orton’s Entertaining Mr Sloane was first performed at the New Arts Theatre Club 50 years ago today. When he was asked to provide a 200-word biographical note for the programme, he responded:  ‘Here is the biography of Joe Orton.  He’s too dull for 200 words.  I hope 58 is enough,’ and offered the following […]

Mr Bevan’s Dream

The funeral of Sue Townsend began today with a public celebration of her life at De Montfort Hall. The service opened with a moving eulogy delivered by the humanist celebrant, Nicci Gerrard, and included tributes from school friends, the city mayor, Sir Peter Soulsby, Sue’s literary agent, and Chris Stafford from Curve, representing Leicester’s Theatres. […]

Library Internship

My desk!

From the majority of people I’ve spoken to it seems that few expected to work in academic libraries after leaving university.  And the same goes for me. During university I’d spent time considering future career plans but librarianship hadn’t been one of them; simply because I knew very little about it. It wasn’t until after […]


The University Library holds internationally important collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives from as early as the twelfth century. Our collections include iconic items such as the diaries of Joe Orton, the first draft of The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole 13 ¾, and a first edition of The Origin of the Species by […]

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