Wiener Digital Collections
The Weiner Holocaust Library in London has expanded its online materials. The website allows readers around the world to access digital copies of many of the Library’s most important collections; these include the Jewish Central Information Office’s reports on the growth of antisemitism in Europe in the 1930s, as well as documents donated to the library […]
The Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum: has created a new tool You can search for information about people deported to the Nazi camp, as well as learn details about most transports to the camp including maps and details of the transport systems. The website provides information about the historical sources used.
Nazi occupation
“Societies under German Occupation” Portal: a repository of documents related to German occupation during World War II which focuses on the experiences of ordinary citizens. It provides free access to over 600 documents all translated into English. They cover food shortages, forced labour and profiteering as well as Nazi rule and the Holocaust. Countries covered include […]
Taube Archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945-1946
The archive of the IMT is now online via the Stanford Libraries and the Stanford Center for Human Rights and International Justice website. It includes original unedited footage which may be searched. It also includes digitised court room evidence archive of holocaust and Nazi rights abuses during the second world war.
Indian women in World War II
The Indian Women and War (1939-1945) project was created by Believe in Me CIC with funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund. It is working with young people to explore the impact of the Second World War on Indian women. It aims to make visible their contribution to the war effort. The website includes videos, booklets […]
Dollis Hill War Diary
A new BT archive; the second world war diary of W.G. Radley, Assistant Staff Engineer which reveals work with Bletchley Park and the use of eavesdropping equipment. The site has transcripts and some recorded material and offers insight into the development of technology as well as its political history.
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