Charlie Hebdo attacks: first anniversary
Twitter coverage of the anniversary The University of Oxford has translated and made free on the Internet a book on tolerance. With extracts from key French philosophers and writers. The original text was La Société Française d’Etude du Dix-Huitième Siècle (ed.), Tolerance: le combat des Lumières (Paris: SFEDS, 2015). Contents include: The Declaration of the […]
Year in Twitter 2015
Official website from Twitter where you can trace key trends and the most influential stories and individuals. Created by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This new website seeks to improve transparency of Twitter, Google and Facebook in take-down policies and to understand their nature and impact. It encourage users to report instances and collects news stories. It maintains a bibliography of online readings. Also on this topic a recent report on public […]
How has social media usage changed 2005-15?
Find out by checking the results from the latest Pew Internet research report which covers the USA. It provides interesting facts on differences in usage by age , gender and socioeconomic group. 65% of those surveyed used social media.
First Draft Coalition launched
A new group of social media journalists, whose members include Bellingcat, Eyewitness Media Hub, Emergent, Meedan,, Storyful and Verification Junkie and who are considering the ethics and usage of eye-witness media in journalism. The website aims to build resources such as case studies, and training materials covering copyright, ethical usage, verification resources and impact on […]
How the BBC is using WhatsApp
A really interesting case study and webinar made available by World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers which discusses use of social media by the BBC World Service to increase engagement. It covers how this was developed from the India 2014 elections to the recent African Ebola crisis.
YouTube Newswire launched
A new Youtube channel in association with social media site Storyful which aims to present verified eye witness citizen journalism films. Main storylines covered will be current news, weather and politics.
Emoji is the fastest growing language
Emoji’s are ‘pictographs. Originally used in Japanese electronic messages, many characters have now been incorporated into Unicode and the launch of an image only social network has been announced. A recent study by Professor V. Evans, from Bangor University, concluded that it is the fastest growing language in the UK with over 80% using […]
Do mobile phones effect student learning?
Interesting new article from Jeffrey H. Kuznekoff, Stevie Munz & Scott Titsworth published online, on 21st May 2015, in Communication Education. Using the example of 145 American undergraduates it examines the impact on student learning of using Twitter and other mobile phone social media while in the classroom. Results found that distraction caused less efficient note […]
Can social media predict election results?
A recent SSRN paper from Cardiff University developed a model using Twitter and considers how it could be applied to the UK 2015 general election. Compare this with the latest analysis from the Oxford Internet Institute. UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign which contains 73 contributions from UK academics issued just 10 […]
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