What contributes to school students well-being?
Find out by reading the latest OECD PISA reports. This also provides country surveys which consider where teenagers feel happiest. Issues considered include socioeconomic background, bullying, use of ICT, leisure time activities, diet and family and school environment. For information on the UK – the ONS has just released the annual Young Peoples Well-being report […]
Do young people trust the news?
Fascinating report from the Knight Foundation which focusses on findings from qualitative research with 52 teenagers and young adults in three U.S. cities: Philadelphia, Chicago, and Charlotte, North Carolina. It shows an increasing mistrust of the media and a reliance on the use of mobile technology. In the UK Ofcom has an annual news consumption […]
What young people think and feel
A fascinating worldwide survey from the Varkey Foundation which surveyed over 20,000 young people (born 1995-2001) in 20 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the UK and the US) It includes a section on happiness and anxiety which has answers to such […]
Trump Archive launched
Ahead of the inauguration the Internet Archive has launched its own special Trump collection. It currently has over 700 video, news broadcasts, televised debates and interviews online. There is also a fact checked file of statements made in the interviews which has been prepared by FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and The Washington Post’s Fact Checker Fact Base […]
Digital Presidential transition
With the changeover to a new president the White House has announced its plans for archiving social media and website from the Obama administration. Other citizen initiatives include: ArchiveSocial: Obama Social Media Archive MIT Media Lab’s Electome group explores how the White House, President Obama, and the First Lady have used Twitter to communicate with […]
Media pluralism and democracy
Published this week, the latest Eurobarometer survey of EU citizens on Media pluralism and democracy found that 57% of EU citizens believe that the media in their countries lack independence from political and commercial pressure and 75% of the respondents have experienced hate speech on social media.
Trust and Truth in Media organisations
First Draft is a new coalition of news organisations, including the Washington Post, which is seeking to raise standards in reporting focussing specifically on the verification of online, citizen-generated journalism by developing a collaborative verification platform, the creation of a voluntary code of practice and a train-the-trainer programme for journalists. Partners include: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, The […]
US Elections
The Electome Project from MIT Media Map is using Twitter data to look at reactions to the 2016 election race. It has articles and Twitter analysis of the first presidential debate. Log in to get a dashboard of results. The Social Media Analytic Command Center at Illinois State University. The most recent analysis is being […]
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