The Riots Communities and Victims Panel: Interim report
Following the riots that occurred in towns and cities across England between 6 and 10 August 2011, the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition established the Riots Communities and Victims Panel. You can read the interim report of the panel at Other useful sites on this topic include: London Recovers […]
Countries at the Crossroads 2011 Access the full text of this report from Freedom House. It analyses democratic governance in 35 nations it regards as being at a crossroads in the road to full democracy. These include a number of nations affected by the Arab spring. Topics covered include civil liberties, corruption and the rule of law. Other similar […]
Occupy Archive
Another site archiving protest materials. This one , a special project of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, is saving digital evidence and stories from the Occupy protests worldwide that began in September 2011 in Lower Manhattan. This includes archives of websites, personal accounts, photographs and texts. It is possible […]
Occupy Wall Street The social movement now has a space on the Internet where they are permanently archiving protest materials. There are currently over 175 materials preserved. They include pictures of protests across the USA from activists, audio files of speeches and images of leaflets produced. For instance see the insert designed to deter companies that send […]
The riots of summer 2011: Seminar organized by the Campaign for Social Science Access the presentations from an event which took place at Gresham College, London on 13th October 2011. Podcast available soon. The presentations cover 3 main themes: How did we come to this? Is Britain “broken”? Were the rioters “just criminals”? It also has some useful suggestions for further reading. Including links to articles and reports […]
Occupy Wall Street protest site This website is a good example of the Internet being used to organise protests. The website includes user generated maps, video streams and organisers materials. There is also a YouTube channel Other useful background and comment can be found in the Guardian Open Culture has films of S Zizeck and Stiglitz participating […]
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