Future Gov Asia Pacific
http://www.futuregov.asia/pages/about/ Free online magazine serving public officials in Asia and the Middle East; includes news, events, blogs and articles on e-government and use of it by public sector. Subsections include cloud computing, e-government and use of IT by health organisations.
The Ill-Treatment and Torture Project
http://www.politicalscience.uncc.edu/cconra16/UNCC/ITT_Data_Collection.html Based at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the ITT has just released the four country-year datasets relating to allegations of torture by state regimes. The data measures allegations of states’ violations of the Convention Against Torture published by Amnesty International during the years 1995-2005. The data and User’s Guide are available here: http://www.politicalscience.uncc.edu/cconra16/UNCC/Data.html. […]
Meta-Activism Project
http://www.meta-activism.org/ The Meta-Activism Project (MAP) is a non-traditional think tank that uses digital networks to better understand their effects on social power. It is staffed by volunteers. Its website provides free access to its book and other case studies that cover ways in which citizens around the world are using digital technologies to push for […]
http://www.fragen.nu/aletta/fragen Fragen (FRAmes on GENder) is an electronic library of full text feminist works published since the 1960s. It was the result of a pan-European digitization project; The Women’s Library was the UK project partner and joined 28 other women’s libraries, archives and organisations across Europe in choosing key titles of feminist theory. The site […]
Republic of South Sudan
The Republic of South Sudan has become the newest member of the United Nations. Read the official UN resolution at: http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/65/L.84 The Government now has an official website: http://www.goss.org/ You can also find background information on the formation of the nation, including its referendum for secession, from the UN mission website: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unmis/referendum.shtml
ICM polls archive online (via The Guardian)
http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2009/oct/21/icm-poll-data-labour-conservatives Voting intentions in UK elections since 1984 – (via the Guardian datablog).
Reporters Without Frontiers – Arab Revolt
http://en.rsf.org/the-arab-revolt.html Reporters without Frontiers has created a special section on their website to cover the recent Arab uprisings. It includes a focus on press censorship, eye witness accounts from local journalists and discussion and news stories about the use of new media. All also available are chronologies of events in Bahrain, Syria, Yemen and Libya.
Map Kibera
Another interesting example of citizens and aid agencies using social media for community empowerment/development. Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya, is a city suburb. Since 2009 they have been creating a free open map of facilities and providing news services for local citizens and community activists. http://mapkibera.org/ The blog http://www.mapkibera.org/blog/ provides descriptions of the implementation of the […]
The Guardian Activate conference on digital media
New York, 2011. Some useful videos from this key event: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/activate-conference
World Service Archive
http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/docarchive The BBC World Service archive of radio podcasts provides access to documentaries. A wide range of social and economic matters are covered. Recent topics include wiki leaks and IMF. Some items are interned to be stored for an indefinite period.
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