Occupy Wall Street
http://www.archive.org/details/occupywallstreet The social movement now has a space on the Internet where they are permanently archiving protest materials. There are currently over 175 materials preserved. They include pictures of protests across the USA from activists, audio files of speeches and images of leaflets produced. For instance see the insert designed to deter companies that send […]
Google Transparency Report
http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/governmentrequests/ The official Google website which provides 6-monthly reports on requests from governments to remove content. Country files have graphs of trends plus comment on the content and information on court cases. Materials generally from 2009 onwards. See the notes on limitations to understand how the index is calculated. http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/faq/#governmentrequestsfaq
BFI new historic film clip site
http://beta.bfi.org.uk/ BBC/ BFI launch the beta site of historic film online archive – The Reel History of Britain. The site includes features films from the BFI and film archives around the UK. This complements the BBC series of the same name of over 120 non-fiction films permanently available online. These are themed in collections such as […]
Occupy Wall Street protest site
http://occupywallst.org/ This website is a good example of the Internet being used to organise protests. The website includes user generated maps, video streams and organisers materials. There is also a YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/occupytv Other useful background and comment can be found in the Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/occupy-wall-street Open Culture has films of S Zizeck and Stiglitz participating […]
Global Voices Online
http://globalvoicesonline.org/ has many citizen journalism postings from around the world there is a special section for the Egyptian protests http://globalvoicesonline.org/specialcoverage/egypt-protests-2011/
https://www.aswat.com/en/about A website which aims to offer a place for activists and reformers from the Middle East and Africa to post news and exchange viewpoints. It has a resource library of free ‘how to’ guides and training courses for activists. More interesting for researchers are the blogs which contain citizen journalism comment. Bloggers include individuals […]
Peace Women
http://www.peacewomen.org/ A project of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) which seeks to promote peace and disarmament. Its website is a rich source of information about women, war and peacekeeping. Most useful is the resources portal section http://www.peacewomen.org/portal_resources.php which links to a wealth of full text documents online these includes publications and news […]
World Bank eAtlas of Gender
http://www.app.collinsindicate.com/worldbankatlas-gender/en Electronic interactive atlas which provides free access to facts and figures from the latest World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development. Map and export more than 80 indicators relating to gender and development studies. Topics include women and the economy, politics, health, education and society.
The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
http://www.jfklibrary.org/Research/Search-the-Digital-Archives.aspx An open access archive that includes more than 200,000 pages, 300 reels of audio tape, 300 museum artifacts, 72 movie reels, and 1,500 photos. They include materials relating to his assassination, and Cuba Bay of Pigs incident. The latter includes documents and contemporary telephone recordings.
ecampaigning forum
http://www.ecampaigningforum.com/ An annual event where practitioners share advice and expertise on how to use social media in campaigning. The 2011 website http://ecflive.fairsay.com/ includes information and some presentations. Topics covered include practical case studies on campaigning from charities and lobby groups.
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