Syria’s internet blackout
Google launches speak to tweet service because of Syria’s internet blackout, a good example of the use of social media to provide crisis communications. Go to the site for examples of messages left.
Watergate: more online releases from US government The newly released documents come from the U.S. v. Liddy criminal trial against seven of the individuals involved in the Watergate break-in scandal that led to the impeachment and resignation of President Richard Nixon. They include evidentiary discussions held outside the jury’s hearing, pre-trial discussions with defendants’ lawyers and the court, and post-trial sentencing […]
World e-Parliament Report 2012 Prepared by the Global Centre for ICT, the report covers the following topics: Developments in ICT and parliaments since 2010; Communication and engagement with citizens; Achieving openness, transparency, and accountability through websites; Technology services for members; Management of parliamentary documentation; Libraries and research services; Human resources and technical infrastructure; ICT strategic planning and implementation […]
Euro debt crisis
Recently Pew Global Attitudes report stated that it has rocked European unity The Guardian datablog has produced some excellent charts with facts and figures on financial data. BBC news also has some recent graphics. For academic discussion try: Brookings Institution research (from a USA perspective). VOX EU comment from leading economists in Europe. The ILO […]
American presidency and social media TechPresident has a good review of the role of social media in the election. Mashable has a good compilation of stories about this during the campaign. C-Span has a discusion of the topic.
Cuban Missile Crisis: 50 years
To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis “To the Brink” is a new exhibit at the National Archives that commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It displays previously unseen correspondence between the US and the Soviet Union, and secret White House recordings of President John F Kennedy and his […]
Al Jazeera Archive Free access to video footage released by news service Al Jazeera under various Creative Commons licenses. Featured collections include protests in Gaza, events in Tunisia and the Arab spring protests in Egypt. It includes Arabic materials. See other recommeded free video sites, including historic and public information films on our recent posting for open […]
Presidential debates
See video footage and transcripts from the official Commission on presidential debates: There is a historical section with information on debates from 1858 onwards, in addition to coverage from the main US newspapers. C-Span also has some coverage and pre and post-debate discussion on its website The C-Span video library has extensive footage […]
Political Union in the EU
A new project launched by LSE and Policy Network This will focus on Europe’s emerging political union. Key focuses of interest will be political issues surrounding the Eurozone crisis. The website has an introduction and events listing. This week other EU news included the award of the Nobel Prize. The LSE blog covers this and also […]
League of Nations Archives Intended primarily to provide information to researchers about the contents of the Geneva archive of the League of Nations research in general . It has a special thematic guide on disarmament. Links to key digitised collections can be found at: These include: Sean Lester Papers (1929- ). Sean Lester (1888-1959), Irish journalist, diplomat and […]
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