Syria digital security monitoring project Maintained by the SecDev Foundation, a Canadian not-for-profit organization. It aims to provide tools to encourage digital openness in Syria. In addition to links to resources for activists, the digital security news section is a good source of reports on social media analysis of the conflict and reports of digital censorship within the region. The […]
Reminder: Kissinger documents
Recommended resources for research on Kissinger’s diplomacy include George Washington University National security archive which has made transcripts of declassified secret documents some free briefing books have links to key documents. Find an example here Kissinger also has an official website which has a biography, plus transcripts of speeches and articles. These mainly date from 2002 […]
Political Lobbying and PR
Interesting report issued by Center for Responsive Politics relating to the current extent and use of lobbying in American politics – Lobbyists 2012: Out of the Game or Under the Radar? The website also has a useful lobbying database with further facts and figures: In the UK the Public Affairs Council was […]
Human Rights Web Archive Launched by Columbia University, the archive is a searchable and browsable collection of over 500 websites created by non-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions, tribunals and individuals from countries throughout the world. The archive includes websites harvested from 2008 to the present, with new sites added regularly. Useful supplement to HURIDOCS a global […]
State of the union 2013
The Brookings Institution provided coverage of the event: Its Facebook page highlighted the best features and they were involved in live tweeting: The National Academies have produced a guide to the state of the Union for American citizens. Great starting point for those wanting a gentle introduction. It has a transcript plus […]
Global voices advocacy
A report on the internet firewall in China. Surveys the 2013 battle between Chinese netizens and China’s Great Firewall:
True of false?
The Washington Post has produced a checking program, Truth Teller, that displays “TRUE” or “FALSE” in real time next to video of politicians and pundits as they speak. There is a transcript of speeches and if you flip to the Fact Check tab it will note statements as true or false.
Window into China
A Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website. It is collecting pieces written in China by Chinese scholars and experts. The emphasis is on security and foreign policy.
Reminder: Primary Sources
USA 108 volumes of the Foreign Relations of the United States are now available in epub and MOBI formats. These volumes cover events from 1945-1976. and were published by the Office of the Historian at the U.S. Department of State. They contain official documents of the US government. Key topics include Vietnam, cold war […]
The Right to be Heard Framework: A learning companion
An online guide from Oxfam intended for development workers. The right to be heard framework aims to help poor people be heard by politicians. It includes case studies from civil society on how to devise and analyse programmes and gain support.
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