Electoral Integrity
Electoral Integrity Project An independent international project headed by University of Sydney and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Its annual report The Year in Elections 2013, assessing the risks of flawed and failed elections worldwide. It provides a ranking of the integrity of elections that took place in the last 12 months. […]
Those interested in elections might like the:Manifesto Research Group/Comparative Manifestos Project (MRG/CMP) Database a quantitative database maintained by Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung which measures attitudes expressed by parties in elections since 1945 in over 50 countries. These are coded from policy documents and manifestos. You can browse by nation or by party. For some countries data is […]
European Elections
L’histoire des élections européennes (1952-2014) If you are interested in the history of the European Parliament, CVCE has compiled a selection of resources (explanatory texts, photos and graphics) and oral accounts (mainly French language) on the European Parliament from its establishment in 1952 to the present day. There is a particularly good section on the move towards […]
UK Government’s Tweets
National Archives to capture tweets and social media created by the UK government Their website has a direct link to the Twitter archive and a YouTube archive According to the official press release the following rules have been applied. Where tweets contain a link to web content that is included in the UK Government Web Archive users can expect […]
History of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Britain
Forward to Freedom: The History of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Britain 1959-1994. This great new website funded by the Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust and the Heritage Lottery Fund provides free access to a wealth of resources. These include: a history of the campaign and boycotts, oral history accounts from activists and original documents. […]
Audit of Political Engagement in UK
2014 Audit of Political Engagement released by the Hansard Society This annual report considers knowledge, understanding, engagement and participation in politics by the British public. The full text can be downloaded from the website. This year it also covers attitudes towards the European Parliament elections and trust of MPs and parliament. The statistics include breakdowns of […]
ICT Activity in Europe
Mapping the European ICT Poles of Excellence: The Atlas of ICT Activity in Europe This new report from the European Commission comprises an empirical ranking of ICT development in EU economies. It uses a detailed set of criteria called the EIPE Composite Indicator (EIPE CI), which are explained in the report. Topics considered by them include […]
Political Risk
Aon Political Risk Map 2014 Just released, a new map which covers 163 nations. Free registration required. It measures political risk using a range of factors including: political violence and financial risk. This is however, only one of a number of similar risk services. All are slightly different so it is advisable to consult […]
UN Yearbook
The new UN Yearbook Website. The new-look website provides free access to all editions of the UN Yearbook published since 1947. It is a key publication providing insight into all areas of United Nations interest and activity. These include: conflicts, peacekeeping forces, overviews of economic and international trade trends, plus information on UN programmes of work […]
The Gazette
New website for the Gazette. The Gazette is the official public record for the UK which was originally established in 1665. It is published by TSO, on behalf of The National Archives and can be used to trace official notices, Queen’s awards, wills, probate and insolvency notices. It is particularly noted for containing official War […]
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