Historical Archives of the European Union
The Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU)are held in the historic Villa Salviati in Florence. The collection comprises official papers and individual correspondence/personal papers many of which were at one time confidential or secret. They are made public after 30 years. Documents can be consulted in the reading rooms at Villa Salviati and 6 […]
Is the electoral system broken?
According to the Electoral Reform Society the UK electoral system is in crisis as the first-past-the-post system does not reflect votes cast. For full results see the Electoral Commission website and the House of Commons Library Briefing.
UK Elections: voter’s regret
Voter’s regret An interesting fact has been the surge in LibDem membership applications since the election. The Conversation discusses the psychology of voter regret. VoteBee is a fascinating app from Loughborough University which aims to extract the emotions in tweets. Find out what voters felt about the parties.
UK Election Polls
Why were the general election polls wrong? Now the election votes have been counted, commentators are asking why many of the polls were wrong. Some refer to the ‘shy Tory’ who does not want to publicly admit to voting Conservative. This concept emerged in 1992 when the proportion of the vote won by the Conservative […]
1929 election cartoons on women voters
University of Kent archive has fascinating examples of cartoons from newspapers on how women will vote!
UK Election
Fantasy Front bench Who would be your fantasy front bench for the UK government? This fun tool has been created with the support of mySociety and Joseph Rowntree Trust using data from Public Whip and They Work For You. It encourages voters to deepen their knowledge of the work of politicians by providing them with […]
100 Voices that made the BBC – Elections
A significant new audio and visual archive of historic election coverage released as part of a research project by the BBC and University of Sussex. It includes film material from every election since 1950, archive documents on the development of election broadcasting and oral history clips with politicians and presenters. For example see this clip […]
Election 2015: TV debates
Democratic reflection App The Election Debate Visualisation (EDV) project a collaboration between The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) at The Open University and the University of Leeds. It was created in 2010 to analyse and study the nature and impact of the first televised leaders debates. Its website has details of the study and a number of […]
Conflict in the Philippines
The new Bangsamoro Conflict Monitoring System from Alert and the World Bank is collecting current and historic data on incidences of political violence in the region. It includes reports and charts of conflicts.
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