Women’s roles in peace processes
A great site from the Council on Foreign Relations which has data on female participation from 1990 onwards. It also has full-text reports on the importance of women in these processes and various case studies from the Women and Foreign Policy program which analyse how elevating the status of women and girls advances U.S. foreign policy objectives.
World Peace Index 2017 launched
Find out which is the world’s most peaceful country using the latest annual index from Visions of Humanity. It also summaries worldwide and regional trends. Topics covered include terrorism, war, violent crime.
Social Justice Day 2017
20th February was World Social Justice day the 2017 Theme was “Preventing conflict and sustaining peace through decent work A key document is the adoption in 2008 by the ILO of the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization
Language of Peace Database
The Legal Tools for Peacemaking Project at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, in collaboration with the Mediation Support Unit in the UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA), has created the new database, Language of Peace. It enables researchers to quickly cross-search the provisions words and language used in over 1,000 peace […]
Violence cost the world 13.6 Trillion US dollars in 2015
Shocking statistics The latest annual edition of the Global Peace index from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). It uses 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators to rate levels of peace in 163 nations worldwide. These include conflicts, security and militarisation of society.
Global Peace Index 2014
Global Peace Index 2014 released This is compiled by The Institute for Peace and Economics and ranks 162 nations according to levels of peacefulness. The definition uses 22 qualitative and quantitative indicators, the full methodology of which are described on the website. These include military spending, homicides and violent crime. There is also separate UK […]
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