How has the Internet changed your life?
According to the latest Pew Internet report many Americans feel better informed. Browse the Pew site to find many other examples of the use of new technology in social, economic and political life. A report by Demos this week covered the issue of trust examining case studies from Twitter. Ofcom has large scale data on […]
Digital divide 2014
Latest report from the ITU on the Information society gives data on the level of ICT development in 166 economies worldwide. ICT -Eye has more free telecommunications statistics.
How many times a day do you look at your phone? The latest tecmark study of UK smartphone users found the average was over 200! Get the full report with gender breakdowns from the website.
Children and Social Media
How much time do British children spend using social media each day? Results from Ofcom which is based on 3-day digital diaries of 186 primary school children and 173 secondary. It also covers TV viewing, messaging and gaming habits.
Christmas comes earlier every year!
The Royal Statistical Society recently published an essay based on Internet search terms which found that in 2007 people started thinking about Xmas in November however last year it was August!
Online harassment
How common is online harassment? According to a Pew Internet Project report 40% of Internet users in the USA have personally experienced online harassment, 73% have witnessed it happening to others.
How can social media be used in emergencies?
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit (ACCRU) and the Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC). The project’s main objectives are to highlight the role of communication, including new and social media, in complex emergencies and in support of humanitarian assistance. The website includes details […]
Citizen Evidence Lab
The Citizen Evidence Lab is a new site from Amnesty International which has been created to help journalists and human rights workers authenticate user citizen journalist video materials. The site features tutorials, case studies and references for further reading.
Social media and universities
Social Media: When Should the University Intervene? An interesting article from Australia currently available free of charge from the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. Topics covered in the piece include are staff over-sensitive to criticism and can student websites be regulated. See other full-text reports on education issues this week. Selfie culture: see […]
SMS and science communication
CENTAL is coordinating a project focusing on how text messaging can be used in scientific communication. The website includes a bibliography (mainly relating to SMS in Switzerland) and publications. There are also details of another project What’s up Switzerland which researches mobile research communications via WhatsApp.
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