Twitter release data on state-backed propaganda from Iran and Russia As part of it openness and transparency policy, Twitter have released information and datasets indicating that thousands of sources from Russia were used during the USA election campaign to manipulate news sources. TechCrunch discusses and gives links to the datasets.
How many times a day do you check your phone?
According to the latest Ofcom communications report people in the UK now check their smartphones, on average, every 12 minutes of the waking day. Their press release also has a fascinating infographic comparing usage and consumption of media from 2008 and 2018 which shows startling changes over the last ten years. The full report covers […]
Unshackling expression – A study on laws criminalising expression online in Asia
Free access to this special issue from GISWatch. It focuses on conditions in six Asian states: Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Thailand.
Russian interference in US elections?
View the recordings from Senate committee hearings into Russian interference in the 2016 elections via C-Span video library.
Influence of Google algorithms on political news search results
A major German project is examining the influence of Google algorithms on political news search results. Algorithm Watch is produced in cooperation with six “Landesmedienanstalten”, the regulatory authorities for new media in the German federal states of Bavaria (BLM), Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb), Hesse (LPR Hessen), Rhineland-Palatinate (LMK), Saarland (LMS), Saxony (SLM) plus the University Kaiserslautern and Spiegel […]
Partisanship, Propaganda and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
The Latest report from the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University examines the role of traditional and new media during the 2016 presidential election campaigns. It examines who supported Trump and has mappings of Twitter news sources for both campaigns.
Digital development
Digital Planet is an interdisciplinary research initiative of The Fletcher School’s Institute for Business in the Global Context. It has just released the Digital Evolution Index which evaluates of digital development in 60 countries according to 170 indicators across 4 key themes Supply Conditions, Demand Conditions, Institutional Environment, and Innovation and Change. Download the ranking, […]
Changing viewing habits – binge viewing
Are we a nation of binge viewers? Yes according to the latest annual Communication Markets report released by Ofcom this week. They quote statistics that 8 in 10 adults in the UK use catch-up technology to watch more than one episode of a programme. 70% find this relaxing but 32% say they slept less! The […]
Webcultures archive launched
The project is part of the American Folklife Center, established by Congress to document traditional cultural forms and practices. It recognized that online life is creating new forms of culture and is seeking to web archive their culture. Snapshots of 34 sites have been taken from June 2014 onwards to provide an opportunity for researchers […]
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