Hacking the academy
http://www.digitalculture.org/hacking-the-academy/ Access the full text of a new book released by MPublishing, the publishing division of the University of Michigan Library. An interesting example of a book which was produced from crowd sourced content sent in over one week. It covers ways in which ‘the academy’ and university study can be positively transformed using new […]
The revolutions were tweeted: Information Flows During the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions
http://www.danah.org/projects/IJOC-ArabSpring/ A recently article in the International Journal of Communications examines the production and dissemination of news on Twitter during the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions. The authors use these two events to discuss how Twitter plays a key role in amplifying and spreading information across the globe. This website provides information on the methodology […]
ecampaigning forum
http://www.ecampaigningforum.com/ An annual event where practitioners share advice and expertise on how to use social media in campaigning. The 2011 website http://ecflive.fairsay.com/ includes information and some presentations. Topics covered include practical case studies on campaigning from charities and lobby groups.
Future Gov Asia Pacific
http://www.futuregov.asia/pages/about/ Free online magazine serving public officials in Asia and the Middle East; includes news, events, blogs and articles on e-government and use of it by public sector. Subsections include cloud computing, e-government and use of IT by health organisations.
Meta-Activism Project
http://www.meta-activism.org/ The Meta-Activism Project (MAP) is a non-traditional think tank that uses digital networks to better understand their effects on social power. It is staffed by volunteers. Its website provides free access to its book and other case studies that cover ways in which citizens around the world are using digital technologies to push for […]
Reporters Without Frontiers – Arab Revolt
http://en.rsf.org/the-arab-revolt.html Reporters without Frontiers has created a special section on their website to cover the recent Arab uprisings. It includes a focus on press censorship, eye witness accounts from local journalists and discussion and news stories about the use of new media. All also available are chronologies of events in Bahrain, Syria, Yemen and Libya.
Citizen Cyberspace
The rise of citizen cyberscience and its impact on professional research http://indico.cern.ch/contributionDisplay.py?sessionId=11&contribId=27&confId=103325 A talk on the rapid growth in the last decade of direct public participation in science via the Web and the impact of this participation on science research.
Map Kibera
Another interesting example of citizens and aid agencies using social media for community empowerment/development. Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya, is a city suburb. Since 2009 they have been creating a free open map of facilities and providing news services for local citizens and community activists. http://mapkibera.org/ The blog http://www.mapkibera.org/blog/ provides descriptions of the implementation of the […]
New Media Index
A weekly report that captures the leading commentary of news-focused blogs and social media sites and compares their subjects to that of the mainstream press. http://www.journalism.org/commentary_backgrounder/about_new_media_index
Journalists on Facebook
http://www.facebook.com/journalists Launched on April 5th 2011 with the aim to “serve as an ongoing resource for the growing number of reporters using Face book to find sources, interact with readers, and advance stories.”
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