Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide
The new Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide for 2018 has been launched. It is updated every three years. (it is necessary to register on the site to obtain access to the AJG) The main feature of this edition the addition of 180 new journals into the list. Other important developments have […]
Business Multidimensional Poverty Index: Costa Rica
Costa Rica launched the Business Multidimensional Poverty Index developed by the Positive Horizon Association with the technical support of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). Business MPI (IPMe in Spanish) is an adaptation of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for the business sector, which measures the living conditions of employees and their families […]
New corporate governance reforms
This week the UK government introduced a series of measures to regulate corporate governance. The aim of these is to increase trust. See the CEO pay counter from the High Pay Centre which has data on how much the top FTSE CEOs have earnt since January and how your own pay levels compare!
The Anti-Corruption Summit
The Anti-Corruption Summit has taken place in London. The UK government website contains the proposals for international reform. It includes a collection of essays discussing corruption. plus the new UK government plans to oppose corruption and to govern access to data. For comment see: the Transparency International website. the Anti-corruption manifesto issued by NGOs and Transparency […]
Gender statistics database
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (an autonomous body of the European Union) has just launched a new gender statistics database for researchers which enables easy comparisons between European and other nations. It includes indicators on men and women in many fields ranging from health to education, work and earnings, social attitudes and gender-based violence. […]
‘Women still under-represented in UK HE management positions’
The latest report from the non profit organisation Women Count indexes the representation of women as governors, Chairs and Vice-Chancellors in each of the 166 HEIs in the UK that are publicly funded. It finds that although improvements have occurred since 2013, women only hold 28% of Chancellor roles. Men are 78% of all Vice-Chancellors or […]
Women on Boards
Latest 5 year progress summary from Lord Davies shows progress. Get the full data plus previous reports from the UK government website. CBI response Women on Boards resource centre has numerous links to academic and business research reports and resources Fawcett society response to the report. Academic comment on the Conversation blog
Poor UK managers are rewarded with bonuses
According to the National Management Salary Survey from CMI, 45% of under-performing managers received a bonus. The average is over £8,000.
What institutions do people trust?
The 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed 33,000 people in 27 countries on their trust in the institutions of government, media, business and NGOs. Its annual report for 2014 found that only 43% believe CEOs have credibility. However levels of trust in search engines and social media are rising.
Which employers did not pay the minimum wage?
View the list released by the UK government. Their website also covers regulation. House of Commons Library note SN06898 provides historic data on rates and enforcement Low Pay Commission advises the government. Its website has reports and data. Use Econpapers to trace other online articles.
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