(Dis)Connected Infrastructures and Violence Against Women project
British Academy funded project involving staff from Kings College London, LSE and Indian universities. It aims to investigate the potential role of technology in addressing infrastructure blind spots and building safer cities for women in India. See the description. The blog has workshop material which gives examples of innovative uses of technology for safety audits of geographic […]
Crime statistics: India
Following the depressing news of the rape case in India, the National Crime records Bureau India has official crime statistics. Search the website by keyword to find some materials. The President of India and the parliament have issued recent press releases and there is newspaper coverage in the: Times of India. Indian Express Hindu The Center […]
A new initiative to provide free open access to statistical data from the Indian government. It currently has only 19 datasets, but these include recent GDP and consumer price indexes, and more will be added as data controllers are appointed. Materials will include state level and urban/rural data. Datasets are available to download in Excel. More […]
Asian Overview report – Social, digital and mobile media
http://wearesocial.sg/blog/2012/10/social-digital-mobile-asia/ Free access from the We are Social Media website to 100 slides of the latest facts and figures from around the region, including select highlights from each of the 24 countries covered. Key facts include: 1. There are now well over 1 billion internet users in Asia 2. At least 811 million of these […]
DevInfo India
http://devinfo.info/devinfoindia/ Useful graphic display of statistical data from the Indian government which has been developed using figures from various government ministries. It includes useful state profiles http://www.devinfolive.info/devinfoindia/profiles/ It is a useful supplement to the Ministry of Information website http://mospi.nic.in/Mospi_New/site/home.aspx which has a full data catalogue plus free access to some reports. Another good source of data […]
India Real Time
http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/ Useful readable blog with contributions from staff at the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones newswire reporters. A heavy emphasis upon the economy, industry and financial markets. However also coverage of social trends including the Bollywood entertainment industry.
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