In which British city do people earn the most?
Find out this and other fascinating facts and figures on the economic and social indicators of Britain’s major cities by consulting the latest Cities outlook 2016 which has just been published by the Centre for Cities. It also has a great associated data tool which enables you to generate and compare your own map. 17 […]
Fuel poverty and cold homes
Fuel Poverty and Cold homes is worse in Britain than in other European nations according to a ranking by the Association for the Conservation of Energy. It provides analysis of energy prices and the quality of housing stock. The UK government website provides free access to official definitions of fuel poverty plus annual reports on its […]
Do you earn enough money to live in London?
Try out this calculator from the Trust for London which calculates levels of basic income for different types of households. According to research from Loughborough University one third of Londoners currently fall below this level. The website enables you to download the full report to investigate this further. London’s Poverty Profile 2015 has also just […]
The boomerang generation
Are you part of the ‘boomerang generation’? LSE has published research on the impact on family relationships of young adults returning to the parental home after graduating from university. But what are the facts about the nature and extent of this ‘boomerang’ trend? The Office for National Statistics recorded a 26% rise in the number […]
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